

Chapter 58

Gossip is boundless, even for the heat of the made-up rumors, will cause involved celebrities and fans to be very angry, and those who were taken with the rhythm of other passers-by and cause it to be more hyped up and be more judgmental, and will eventually cause the so-called network quarrel.

Nowadays, some fans of stardom are called mindless fans, and most of them feel unreasonable for defending their idols.

But the old saying goes, it takes two to make a quarrel.

Hu Xiaoli does not chase the stars, he may not understand the thoughts of fans, but as a journalist of gossip magazine, what he wants to report must be realistic!

The two reports of Luo Ming and Xiong Meng did not stir up any gossip. Although they agreed to report, and the magazine sales exceeded a new high ...

Three birds with one stone, and praise was also given.

Since he can't escape the position of gossip author, he should enjoy this position and carry forward the truth, goodness and beauty on the basis of gossip!

But at present he doesn't want to bother Luo Ming and Xiong Meng anymore. As for the other film king in the mansion ...

He hasn't meet him yet.

Hu Xiaoli went back to the residence after a few days' vacation, but never saw him come out. Hu Xiaoli went to knock on the door to introduce himself. After all, this was the first time they met face to face, but the knock was like a stone falling into the sea, which could not stir up any waves.

Hu Xiaoli speculated that Xu Zenian should be hiding from the media and his agent was secretly running away for a holiday.

There is no way around it. If people know where he was, no matter whether they are fans or not, they will gather around a group of people to watch.

Therefore, this time he must be a real gossip reporter and cover on this news.

There are several goals set by Hu Xiaoli, all of which are to report on hot stars in the entertainment industry.

In order to be able to interview them, Hu Xiaoli was well prepared. The first thing to do was to make an interview draft. It must sound interesting , but not make people feel that their privacy has been violated.

This is not difficult for Hu Xiaoli. After all, the manuscripts Xu Mengmeng had given him were too explicit. The few questions that Xiong Meng rejected were the minefields he had to guard against.

Combined with questions from the interview with Luo Ming, this interview draft can be called 'perfect' in Hu Xiaoli's eyes.

After the two days of vacation are over, let's start working!

The phone vibrates twice, a WeChat reminder.

[Jingcheng Giant Chicken Mansion]

[Big baby needs help]: Asking for help!

@All members Xu Mengmeng often changed her group business card, but only she changed her business card by herself, so no matter how she changes it, They can still recognize at first glance it's her.

[Little Fox]: What's wrong?

[Luo Ming]: Have you encountered any difficulties?

[Xiong Meng]: That's great.

[Xu Zenian]: Although I really don't want to reconcile ... +1.

Suddenly so many people exploded, Hu Xiaoli stared at the screen in surprise, waiting for Xu Mengmeng to speak.

[You are jealous of your baby's beauty]: I need support! Who is idle now? !!

There was silence in the group.

[Little Fox]: Why don't you talk? It's a little strange. But I am really idle.

[Do you love me?]: Xiao Li, you are my angel, my smooth thick hair! (I have no idea what she means by that..)

[Little Fox]: ... Are you praising me?

[Love you?]: Yes, you must help me!

[Little Fox]: What are you doing?

[Love you?]: Are you ... with the curator right now?

Hu Xiaoli suddenly felt a bad feeling in his heart.


Sorry for the late updates guys...

Reina714creators' thoughts
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