
Chapter 385: I Brought You A Gift

"I can't stand to share you with anyone else. The thought of another man touching you makes me insanely jealous." Stuart lowered his voice to a faint whisper and put his lips to her ear. "I'm completely obsessed with you. You're all I ever think of, all I ever want. If I had my way, I'd never share you." His lips dropped from her ear to the pulse of her neck. He softly kissed the faint throbbing there and felt it speed up.

Softly, Edie sighed and murmured, "Stuart, I promise you, I will not leave you for anyone. I love you and only you and will forever." Her tangled lashes swept up to see Stuart's dark, handsome face only inches from hers.

Stuart framed her face with his strong hands and lowered his mouth to hers. His spicy scent filled her nostrils as she savored his warm, slightly salty lips. She savored his taste, still fresh on her mouth, and secretly wished for more. Edie's lips burned as Stuart slanted his mouth to taste more, sliding his tongue deep into her mouth.

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