

Tycondrius' mood had been abysmal since debarking the Neptune's Revenge. As time went on, maintaining his professional veneer had become... a challenge. 

He spent a breath to recover his composure. Thankfully, the guard didn't seem to mind. 

Re-assuming his forced smile, Tycon spoke as calmly as he was able. 

"Noble friend of House Moonwell, I've a request. Is it possible... for you to summon Mister Everett of House Leafspring?" 

During his last visit, Tycon had spoken amicably with the half-elf. 

"Mister Leafspring?" Frowned the second guard. 

"Ah, I 'member that guy!" The first guard exclaimed. "Looked a bit pale last I saw him... You wouldn't happen to know anything about that, would'ja, Sir?"

"Shut up, you," The second guard scolded before turning back to Tycon, "Leafspring... he don't work here no more."

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