
Past Mistakes

As Jason was sleeping across town in an office was a thin man wearing a purple mask with golden runes down the left side of it. He appeared to be was waiting for someone. The door opened and a young woman walked in. She wasn't human however she was pale white with two horns on her head one pitch black the other a multitude of colors.

"Is everything going to plan as we hoped?' She asked the masked man.

"Yes someone soon the Kargens shall be able to fully cross-over into this world, however, there is one problem." He replied.

"Shadow." the woman also knew that he would be a minor inconvenience to the plan but thought nothing more of him.

"Dolos I hope you don't disappoint her." She said as she left.

"Damn woman always making me do the dirty work while she just schemes," Dolos said as he disappeared with a flash of black light.


Gunshots were ringing out everywhere as a man and woman were running.

"you still have the file?" the woman asked as the two hid behind a stack of crates.

"Right here." the man replied taking out a brown folder.

"We need to get them back to HQ so-." the woman was saying when an explosion blew them both apart.

Jason jumped awake trying to forget the dream and the memories that came with it. He went to the bathroom and splashed cold water on his face. He went into the kitchen to make himself some breakfast but when he grabbed the pan to make some eggs he realized his whole body was shaking. It was still early but Jason decided to head over to the pizzeria. He needs to get out of both his house and own thoughts so Jason decides he was going to run all the way there. When he got there the sun was barely rising. He opened the door and went into the kitchen. He started mixing dough and prepping all the need materials for the pizzas. While he was doing that Sky who was asleep heard someone moving around downstairs and instantly grabbed the nearest thing to her, which was a broom, she made her way downstairs and slowly went into the kitchen. she saw a man with black hair standing Wirth his back turned to her so she uses the only spell she currently knew [Water Shot] which was shot out a water ball with the impact of a water balloon and ran at the man attempting to hit him with the broom. Jason dodge both the [Water Shot] and the broom grabbing Skylar's hand yelling.

" It's me Sky calm down."

When Skylar saw that the man was Jason she was first surprised then confused.

"Why is your hair black instead of brown? Only people who awaken should have their hair change color, but even if you awakened why is it black, shouldn't it be one of the elemental colors?" Skylar asked.

"Crap I forgot to put on my wig this morning because of that dream shaking me up so much." Jason thought to himself. " I need to come up with a good excuse so she doesn't know who I really am."

Skylar was looking at him waiting for an answer.

"Well, I didn't awaken my hair just is black because I had to clean the oven this morning." Jason lied.

Skylar gave him a look like he was crazy but then he rubbed his hand through his hair and there was black dust on his hand.

Skylar said, "Oh ok but because of you I'm up so early so I'm going back to bed." Luckily I really did have to clean the oven."

Jason sighed. "Hey Sky I'm going to go home and shower I'll be back in a bit."

Jason headed home knowing that he almost made a huge mistake. If others found out about him having black hair then it would only be a matter of time before people realized he was Shadow. Most people would love to have fame especially when you considered the strongest human, but not Jason. he hated any attention on himself, plus if those annoying Guild leaders found him it would be nothing but trouble.

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