

"Wait! Hopscotch!" *zheum* "wait,what? Where is everyone?" Hide and seek looked around at the empty room. Then he realized."wait! This isn't where I was! I was in another room!" "Took you long enough." Said Egyptian war as he turned around the black pillar that was in the black room for some reason. As he walked slowly to hide and seek the black pillar disappeared as if it turned into smoke. "Wait w-where even am I?" "Why you're in the maker space." "What's that?!" "It's a place where you can imagine." "Ok. Why did you take me here?" "Oh you'll see. Here take this." Egyptian war tossed hide and seek a wooden stick like the ones in the Kung fu movies. "Let's spar" "wait what?!" Egyptian war charged at hide and seek very fast and poked him. "Oof. What the why did you do that?!" "I uh uh I just felt like it" "wait when are you gonna teach me to learn magic?" "When you learn how to use your ability." "What?! I don't even know it yet!" "We'll we cant teach you cause it's your ability." "What?" Then Egyptian war disappeared.

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