

Chapter 45 — Fight Scene So Hard~~


The sound of hearts beating loudly; like the helpless cries of fear and despair.

A predator that lurked just within the abyssal darkness, uncountable eyes that were indistinguishably fearsome, searching for the weaknesses of the preys laid before it.

Contrary to Jason's expectation, the abomination of a dragon haven't attacked them yet. It didn't chose to mindlessly attack immediately.

It wasn't a bad thing. In fact, it gave him enough time to properly convey a plan to the others by using the communication channel.

The entire second platoon were frozen in fear and shock—the sight of the dragon's uncountable eyes darting around felt eerie and uncomfortable.

However, Jason quickly managed to calm them down, making their mental state return to normal. It wasn't specially hard for these pilots that were heavily trained but still lacking some experience.

Jason moved Rokurome to unsheath the Sword Cannon. A holographic keyboard soon hovered in front Jason, his fingers soon typing with incredible speed in order to manually change the operation of the Sword Cannon.

[ Sword Cannon's Limiter Disabled. ]

[ Warning. ]

[ Excessive Increase in Output Will Result in Self-Destruction. ]

Jason didn't minded that warning, he just directly handed the sword toward the most trustworthy and experienced pilot amongst the second platoon.

The Akai Squad.

To be more precisely, the squad leader, Akai.

Not wasting a single second, Jason immediately started to explain his plan. To summarize everything shortly, Akai will need to pour the entirety of his unit's particles into the sword cannon. The compressed particles stored within the converter was also included.

Akai was surprised and a bit reluctant, feeling this plant was about sacrificing himself. It after all meant that his unit would lose all vital functions without particle energy, however, for the sake of Sidonia, Akai hesitantly decided to sacrifice himself.

Jason thought Akai was misunderstanding many things. He explained further that he didn't planned on sacrificing Akai because they could just transport him back to Sidonia after ejecting from the cockpit.

The only downside about this plan was leaving Akai's Guarding Knight behind.

Although Akai felt quite embarrassed, he quickly agreed with the plan. The rest also agreed without hesitation.

Akai removed his unit's energy transmitter from the Thunder Spear. He now connected it into the Sword Cannon.

The energy transmitter was a crude yet effective technology to transfer the reactor's particles into a weapon. Such was the principle behind the Sword Cannon and Thunder Spear.

It was the reason how the Thunder Spear could make powerful lightnings capable of easily penetrating the placenta armour.

While Akai was charging the Sword Cannon to destroy the linked-type Gauna, he handed his own Thunder Spear to Jason, making them just switch weapons in the end.

The other pilots wanted to help Jason eliminate the dragon, but Jason rejected them firmly.

"No, you guys will only prove as a liability to me. That dragon-type Gauna is completely different from what we encountered in the past."

At best, Jason didn't wanted to unnecessarily create more casualties when he can handle it by himself.

He trusted his own strength than the others. It wasn't being arrogant, but merely the fact.

Jason simply told them to defend Akai who was crucial for this plan. After everything was done, they must safely transport him back to Sidonia.

It was a shame, however, the pilots quickly started to surround Akai, tightly guarding him from danger.

As Jason was about to leave, the entire second platoon wished him good luck and to return alive. The Akai Squad also expressed their worries.

"Needless worry, but I appreciate it. Also, please worry about yourselves instead," Jason simply smiled.

He pushed the controls forward, Rokurome's main thruster blooming with wild bluish particles. It flew extremely fast, continuesly creating sonic booms; bearing resemblance with a thundering aircraft.

Rokurome hovered before the dragon with its two crimson eyes glowing menacingly before releasing two linear crimson lasers capable of easily piercing a compressed steel alloy.


The lasers slammed against the dragon's placenta armour made out of criss-crossing fleshy scales. Black smokes formed around it, gradually fading amidst the crimson fogs everywhere.


Narrowing his eyes, Jason saw the placenta armour only being damaged badly before quickly regenerating.

He decided to raise the energy output next time.

The dragon howled unpleasantly, it was so painful to the ears, like a fork screeching against a chalk board. The various eyes of the dragon unknowingly closed, but its head's four eyes remained opened, eerily staring at Rokurome.

Jason felt creeped out, but then suddenly saw an unknown communication request appearing before his eyes. With some hesitation, he accepted it curiously.

He soon heard an unbearable static sounds coming from the unknown channel, an unpleasant growling, scratched voice resounding.

"Unit 666... H-Hello..."

"Kill... Must eliminate..."

Jason was quite surprised, he guessed it was from the dragon-type Gauna, but before he could think it more clearly, the dragon finally made its move.

The dragon moved its humangous wings to fly, moving so powerful and quick, as its

colossal body charged toward Rokurome.

"Good. I got the dragon's attention."

Jason decided to retreat from their current location along with the dragon in order to not involve the others.

As Rokurome flew away with the dragon following after it, the second platoon became alerted as they saw many Gaunas crawling out from the crater.

The situation was quite dangerous, but with eyes filled with spirit, the pilots controlled their units to raise the spears and started to also attack.


Across the desolate and lifeless surface of the asteroid, two opposing figures were quickly flying over it.

They clashed repeatedly, so intense and fast, continuesly leaving two dazzling blue and red trails.

The two figures had also passed with various Gaunas, but they could only helplessly stare at them because they were simply too fast to even follow.

"Shoulder Cannon: 200%," Jason pressed the trigger as Rokurome swiftly turned around, a dense and huge energy beam shooting out from the broad mechanical shoulder.


The dragon screeched hideously, several thick tendrils forming a meat shield that was quickly destroyed upon contact with the energy beam.

"Still not enough, I must raise the power output even further," Jason mumbled before allowing Rokurome to gain more distance away from the Dragon.

As if annoyed by Rokurome being do quick and agile, the back of the dragon started to bulge crazily, a pair of inverted wings suddenly sprouting. Furthermore, it now had thrusters that bore resemblance with Rokurome's thrusters.

This dragon was Ocarina's masterpiece, born from the entire gathered data and inherited knowledge of Gauna Race.

It was a being solely created to slay Rokurome and Jason.

The dragon's flying speed abruptly increased by many folds, allowing it to immediately follow after Rokurome behind.

Jason felt threatened by the sudden increase in speed. He instantly activated every thrusters to their limits, further increasing Rokurome's speed.

The dragon howled as it saw Rokurome becoming faster like itself. It swung its long and humangous tail forward, the end of the tail suddenly branching into many sharp and large tentacles.

Rokurome swiftly turned around while flying backward, two machine guns suddenly popping out from the bottom of its both hands.

The machine guns constantly fired without stopping, rapidly destroying the tentacles that were fast and sharp but suffered from lack of defense.

The machine guns returned to their hidden compartments after getting rid of every tentacles.

However, Rokurome suddenly grabbed the dragon's tail very tightly, not allowing it to escape even when it thrashed around so violently.

Rokurome's body trembled unceasingly, its arms bulging largely as the silver thread tissue were used to the utmost limit. Despite that, Rokurome remained firm and stable, not showing signs of backing down.

It then held the Thunder Spear once again with its other hand, silently pointing it toward the dragon. A large amount of unstable particles travelled through the transmitter, creating a huge, intense lightning around the spear head.

—Lightning Pierce!

The spear head abruptly extended forward with the support of the silver thread, swiftly flying across the tail before penetrating toward the dragon's chest where the core was located.

Jason was then dumbfounded.

The dragon's head unexpectedly grew longer and longer like a snake, its large mouth eventually biting down against the flying spear head.


A powerful shockwave appeared with bountiful black smoked, remnants of lightnings scattered amidst it.

The spear head retracted back, Jason clicking his tongue after seeing his attacking failing to even reach the dragon's chest.

The dragon's head was damaged horribly, but it quickly regenerated. It wasn't a simple regeneration, but a cruel method of regeneration. Back then, it sprouted a sharp tendril behind, and impaled a Gauna that near them, using the Gauna it killed to regenerate itself.

And now, countless spikes suddenly started growing out from its tail, causing Rokurome to immediately let go.

The dragon screeched furiously, its placenta body increasing in volume to reflect upon its fury. Soon, it widely spread its two pair of opposing wings with uncountable eyes opening one by one. It was like a peacock fully opening its majestic tail, but for the dragon, it looked horrible and hideous.

Jason felt a dangerous sensation. He quickly made Rokurome fly away to retreat as far as possible.

However, he was too late.

The innumerable crimson eyes glowed fearsomely, blinding everything that it has seen. It then released thousands of fine crimson lines, attacking everything in sight, not even showing mercy to its own allies.

Jason's eyes shone with golden colours, his surroundings slowing down to a nill state.

Before his eyes, he saw countless fine lines of crimson beams coming at him.

"Ah shit."

He realized—that even with the anti-beam coating, it was impossible to survive after getting hit by all of those.

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