
Chapter 102. Days Gone By

General POV

Weiss and Silva stayed at the Schnee mansion for the night and gave the heads up to the teams back at the castle. Weiss got up after spending all night in her room, processing that her Father is no longer part of her life. Part of her wanted to be happy but ultimately felt unsure on how to think about it; after all, her Father is still her Father in her mind.

Silva gave Weiss her space and spent time with Winter and Willow during his stay. Silva already arranged different dates for Willow and Winter at a later date. Silva came to check up on Weiss in her room the next morning.

Silva: Weiss, may I come in?

Weiss heard Silva and gave him the go-ahead to enter her room.

Weiss: Come in, Silva.

As Silva entered, he analyses Weiss's body language, and from what he got, she is still quite confused about how she feels about what she learned recently. He decided to tell her later that he is also planning on dating her mother as well. Silva took a seat next to Weiss on her bed and asked her.

Silva: So, what do you want to do now?

Weiss sighed and told him.

Weiss: For now, let's head back to Vale and Beacon. We got school tomorrow.

Silva: Okay, but have you said your goodbyes yet?

Weiss got up and told him as she looked a bit hurried.

Weiss: I will take care of it right now, then let's go back.

Silva: Alright then.

( Hours Later)

Silva POV

Weiss is taking her Father, being in prison pretty well, but when we got back to the castle, she gave her teammates a piece of her mind for following us on our date. I already transported everyone back to Beacon, but I stayed behind to give Summer her final check-up before waking her. I entered my secret lab and came in to see Summer as I left her in a comatose state.

I used my magic to enter her mind and see how well it mended itself. Her memories are in their proper places, and her emotions and logic are working as their suppose to; her soul also feels whole and not fractured now—time to wake her up and get her up to date on what happened since she was gone. I linked her soul, mind, and body together and started synchronizing them. Next, I pulled her unconscious to her consciousness little by little.

So far, everything is going well, with no hiccups. I finished up and then waited for Summer to wake up on her own as everything us now in place. Minutes went by, and I saw Summer stir as she finally wakes up. She opened her silver eyes and pushed herself out of bed, but I stopped her as her body isn't ready for strenuous exercise.

Silva: Easy now; your body is heavily out of shape and still has to undergo physical therapy.

Summer: Where? Where am I?

As Summer examined her surroundings, I told her.

Silva: Don't worry, I will answer your questions but take it slow for now. For starters, you are in my private clinic-slash-secret lab, and my name is Silva Cloud. Now, for a question of my own. Do you remember who you are?

Summer placed one of her hands on her head in thought, then answered.

Summer: My name is Summer... Summer Rose.

Silva: Good, now do you remember your family?

Summer: I'm married to Taiyang, and I have two daughters, Yang and Ruby.

I nodded then asked her my next question to help me better determine her state of mind.

Silva: What is the last thing you remember before waking up here?

Summer looked lost in thought for a few moments, then answered.

Summer: After Ozpin told me in detail about Salem, I decided to end this war once and for all by stopping Salem for good. I entered the Land of Darkness and found her fortress. I confronted her then... I lost, and I remember pain and agony. I felt myself change and that if I were not careful, I would lose myself.

So far, everything checks out, and I waited for Summer to ask her questions. After several minutes Summer asked me.

Summer: Silva, was it? How did I end up here?

Silva: Long story short, I went to the Land of Darkness myself to face Salem, and during the process, I ran into you and decided to take you with me.

Summer looked at me in surprise for a few moments, and she then pulled me into a hug, and I felt her hot tears against my skin as she told me.

Summer: Thank you!

Summer started to break down and cry, and I comforted her. After Summer finished crying, she then asked me.

Summer: Can you take me to my family, please?

I sighed and got started explaining the hard part of her life now.

Silva: Summer, you have been MIA for almost ten years, and everyone you know thinks you are dead.

Summer looked at me in disbelief and said.

Summer: Your lying! Please tell me your lying! I mean, I remember facing Salem like it was yesterday, and that much time can't have passed.

I took out my scroll and showed her a recent photo of Yang and Ruby during their stay here, and Summer started to cry again as she stared into the picture with anguish and a bit of guilt.

Summer: My little cookie monster and sunny little dragon have grown up.

I comforted her some more and dropped the next bomb that will throw her life into disarray.

Silva: I have more bad news. Your husband Taiyang has moved on and plans to marry a new wife since both Ruby and Yang are attending Beacon.

Summer just kept silent, processing everything, and I kept her company until she fell asleep as she asked me questions about who I am and how I know Salem. I covered her, so she did not get cold and left her a note explaining that I am busy in the morning and afternoon and will be back later to put her through physical therapy and that if she needs anything, she can ask the robot nurses. I could use magic to make her muscles Huntress ready, but I won't because helping her with physical therapy gives me a chance to seduce her and time to think about what she wants to do next. Well, back to Beacon.

( The following morning)

I stood in front of Glynda's office, and just as I was about to knock, the door opened, and I heard her say.

Glynda: Come in, Silva.

I took my usual seat as Glynda went through her paperwork. She stopped for a moment, then looked at me with an appreciated look and said.

Glynda: Silva, thank you for that small break. I was in greater need of it than I realized.

Silva: Anytime, and I do mean anytime, just let me know, and we can make it a regular thing.

Glynda smiled a little and said.

Glynda: I would like that.

Her countenance changed into a stern look, and she told me.

Glynda: Silva, after testing you, I have realized you if you wanted to, you could take the Huntsmen exam and get your license right now.

She paused for a moment, then asked.

Glynda: My question is this, why haven't you?

I gave her a somewhat truthful answer.

Silva: Since you know of my history, you should know that any sort of semblance of a normal life is something I lacked since I was born. So the part of the reason I attend Beacon is that I want to experience life here like most my age, wanting to be Huntsmen and Huntresses. The other part of my reason is to make bonds with people that will last me a lifetime.

Glynda: I understand; thank you for answering my question honestly.

I shrugged like it was not a big deal, and Glynda then informed me.

Glynda: Seeing how advance you are in your studies, I have talked to the Headmaster to allow you to handle some missions here in Vale for credit with my supervision.

I smiled, feeling a little excited, and asked her.

Silva: When do we start?

Glynda adjusted her glasses and told me.

Glynda: Next week, for now, I will have you work as an assistant teacher with me until I can open up my schedule to directly supervise you on your first few mission, then switch to long-distance communication to advise you as you work.

Things are looking good for me, and I wonder what my first mission is going to be.

( A few hours later)

And I sent another fourth-year student flying, breaking their aura. Glynda has been putting me through my paces by constantly fighting against students in sparring sessions. Not that I mind, but the average student is far weaker than Team RWBY, PLAN, and CFVY. The biggest reason is that good leadership seems to be a rare quality, and I have yet to note any other team or individual Huntsmen/Huntress-in-training.

Glynda looked around and called out.

Glynda: Any other volunteers to challenge Mr.Cloud.

After wiping out the first dozen students, everyone started to wise up that underestimating me is a bad idea. I cracked my neck and stretched until one of the students asked.

Student A: Can we face him as a team?

Glynda: Yes, Mr.Blu, you and your teammates can face him together.

After a few minutes, another team bites the dust in a couple of well-placed hits. The bell rings, signaling the end of class, and I go up to Glynda and ask her, feeling bored with pounding some weaklings that still loss too quickly when I wasn't even using my weapons, semblances, or let alone magic.

Silva: Glynda, can I call it a day because I am not learning anything even when I hold back a lot?

She sighed and adjusted her glasses, and told me.

Glynda: You are simply too advanced for any of the years, whether in terms of strength or experience. So with this in mind, you are free for the week until I call you for your first mission.

Silva: K, if you need anything, just call me.

I opened a portal to Summer and saw her surrounded by mountains of cookies. Why am I not surprised? Whatever better get her started on her physical therapy, I called out to her.

Silva: So, are you ready to get back in Huntress level condition before seeing your daughters? After all, we can't have them hug you to death, plus I am sure you would like to walk on your legs.

Summer: Thanks, but when can I meet Ruby and Yang?

Silva: If you really want to see them, I can bring them over on the weekend once their classes are over.

I picked up Summer, much to her embarrassment, and set her in a wheelchair I had ready for her. I then took her to the gym next to my secret lab and started the support bars to help her get used to walking again. She fell a few times, but after a few hours, she showed some improvement but not much.

As Summer panted, I gave her a bottle of water, and she finished it in one go, after giving back the now empty bottle for me to throw away. She then asked me as she sprawled out on the floor.

Summer: Silva.

Silva: Hmm...

Summer: After you left me alone, a question kept on popping up in my mind as I thought about everything you told me.

Silva: So ask away.

Summer took a deep breath then asked with a serious look and tone.

Summer: Silva, just who are you?

I silently debated in my mind as to what and what not to tell her. After a few moments of Summer's eyes bore into me, I decided to tell her the truth as I did with Pyrrha, everything but my past life and my alliance proposal to Salem and just Salem and Ozma in general for now. So I told her about my life, being born into the Branwen Bandit Tribe, Raven raising me, my travels, my connection to her daughters right now, and my situation at Beacon.

Summer looked at me in complete shock and said absentmindedly.

Summer: That's a lot to process.

I shrugged, not minding her reaction, and told her.

Silva: Take your time.

I felt that it might be a good idea to get someone to help with physical therapy, and I know just the person. I told her as I opened a portal.

Silva: I will be right back.

I went through the portal before she could reply, and my surroundings changed to a lovely house with dense forestation surrounding it. I quickly spot the person I was looking for sunbathing outside, Raven. I walked over to her and asked.

Silva: Enjoying yourself?

Raven: Yes, actually, but what brings you here, Silva?

Silva: I got a job for you.

She looked at me with a serious expression and asked.

Raven: What do you need?

Silva: Nothing complicated or dangerous; I just need you to look after someone with me for a while.

Raven: Who?

I smiled and told her.

Silva: Depends. Do you accept the job?

Raven looked pensive for a few moments and said.

Raven: I have nothing better to do, so I might as well.

Silva: Pack your things then because you start immediately!

Raven's expression turned sour, but she complied, and about half an hour later, she showed up with her travel bag. I opened a portal and walked through it, with Raven following me. I was back at the gym where I left Summer back at, and she was back on the support bars trying to walk. I called out to her.

Silva: Summer, I'm back, and I brought a guest.

I heard Raven drop her bag behind me as Summer looked towards me and saw Raven and screeched in surprise.

Summer: RAVEN!?

Raven: SUMMER!?

Raven walked past me and went to Summer and touched her face, then said.

Raven: It's really you, Summer.


As Summer gave Raven a piece of her mind that she has been waiting, who knows how long, to give her, I left to let them reconnect and not get caught up in the crossfire. Well, it looks like I might be helping Yang meet her mother sooner than she ever thought. I better prepare myself to deal with the fallout at Yang finding out I am her adoptive brother.

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