
Outer God Invasion! Blood God Emperor Noah Against Yog-Sothoth!


The Beyond-One, the Reader, the Omniscient Seer, the one above the others. An incredible powerful entity of pure power and knowledge with a form that could only be said to resemble the distortion of all creation, in the shape of a gigantic door that led to the Outer Void Plane, Yog-Sothoth, had appeared within Abyss.

The forces of the Outer Gods had invaded Abyss in the past, looking for the child of Azathoth and his precious Soul, a true fragment of Azathoth rumored to be capable of granting any Outer God that devoured it a power equal to the strongest Outer God within all Universes.

However, they were always led by Lesser Leaders of their group, the Trifecta, Shub-Niggurath, Yog-Sothoth, and Nyog'Sothep were never the ones leading their armies, and instead, constantly produced new offspring to invade Abyss.

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