
Kireina's Arrival On The Spiritual Plane!


Once the ceremony for a Spirit Heart creation was done, everyone gathered outside the village, as Amethyst and Emerald shared some of their food with them for the trip.

"We wish you good fortune on your battles ahead." Said Amethyst. "I hope you can find your lost friends as well."

"Good luck!" Little Emerald said.

"Thank you for everything again, Amethyst." Palami smiled, sighing. "Without your help, we wouldn't had been able to go out while being as prepared as we are now."

"Yeah, we'll be forever grateful." Asure nodded.

"If you ever need our help, take this." Raito gave the Spiritian man a rainbow-colored piece of metal in the shape of an eye.

"What is this?" Wondered Amethyst.

"A special communication magical device, speak to it while imbuing it with some sort of energy, and it should be able to contact with us, you can speak with us from long distances." Said Celica.

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