
[Supreme Wars: Act I] 37/?: A Vengeful Foe


With his wing broken and never regenerating, Green Feather, the Gale Bird Emperor was left hopeless. He struggled as much as he could against Kireina and Rimuru, and fought as he could, quite bravely. But at the end, he succumbed to them as he cursed his destiny and his life alongside his assassins, Kireina and Rimuru, a butterfly and a slime…

As he died through an agonizing and humiliating way, he thought that he would simply slumber in eternal darkness forever, but what happened was something beyond his own expectations, something that he didn't understand. His soul back then was absorbed and grabbed by Hel, and put into Helheim, where he wandered for a long time until suddenly stumbling upon Hel's castle by following her faint whispers.

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