
Substantial Enhancements (Read the Notice before unlocking Chapter)

[NOTICE]: I had not published a chapter, but now that has been fixed in chapter 1317, which should be the chapter I missed in uploading. Now chapters might had been rearanged, this chapter is the same as yesterday because I rearanged them, so if you already read it, you can skip it to the next chapter. That's all, and I'm very sorry for this mistake.




I glanced into the new improvements that each Ability within the Realm Core acquired. This happened most of the time when I upgraded it, they would gain some new capability within the old Abilities, so they always keep fresh as they continue to improve themselves over time, growing more and more broken as I upgrade it further.

And I can upgrade this with each Rank as a Supreme Goddess, meaning that I can upgrade it another six times! And what's after Supreme Goddess? I will probably be able to upgrade it even further than this after that!

Next chapter