
A Surprisingly Nice Ending




Lucifer suddenly showed up out of nowhere, and even in a mildly humanoid form now, not the same entity made of whatever he was made of before I guess his Avatar always had this appearance, but he chose to take another to hide his identity or maybe to fit with the facelessness of his friend? I wonder what it could had been…

And I guess they're more friends than I had thought, I knew that Lucifer genuinely cared for him when he asked me back in hell to receive and answer the System Master's messages, but now that I see them together, I can't help but think they're really like best friends…

Perhaps the only friend that the System Master ever had… damn, this is kind of homoerotic.

"You… Lucifer… I guess you were the only one there for me through this entire journey… I am… sorry for never having listened to your advises. Now that I realize, they were very similar to the things my daughter told me now…" sighed the System Master.

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