
[Ascendance Of The Goddess of Sins and Virtues] 26/?: The Clones Council


After the parasitizing of Artemis and Athena by the hands of Kireina, both goddesses became her Clones and easily sneaked into the family.

Athena was one of the first gods to have begun to suspect something going wrong with Apollo, who had become Kireina's clone.

But now that she had her soul eaten and her body used as a husk for Kireina's Split Soul, she had simply become another one of Kireina's split beings, dangerously roaming within the Zeus Family.

Zeus, Apollo, Baltis, Athena, and Artemis, alongside all of Apollo's family, were already Kireina, and they were planning to devour the rest soon enough.

However, Kireina also had plans for them.

She wanted them to guide the other Gods into a different place, where she would be able to eat them all with her family and use all of that power amassed from these Gods to reach the Great God Realm.

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