
[Fated Encounters: Nyzzet's Labyrinth Conquest] 91/?: One Shotting Two Final Bosses




By moving through the Pocket Space, I created, I was able to completely ignore any dungeon obstacles, it was, perhaps, even easier than using Labyrinth Sovereign Magic to manipulate the dungeon structure so it could open up for us.

In just five minutes, we reached the last floor and we even entered the room where the Boss was resting. It seems that Begudhur, although he had been resting in these last floors until he went upwards, never managed to catch the Dungeon Boss, and when he finally acquired a new body, it seems that he simply used dozens of the parasitized bodies of the monsters that roam in these last floors… I suppose that it would not have made much of a difference for him anyways in terms of strength.

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