
Evolution Galore

[Day 222]

[Kireina] gained +34 Skill Points and Subclass Skill Points due to the prayers of your believers!] (Added!)

[Kireina] gained 27.123.774.000 EXP due to the prayers of your believers!]

[LEVEL 073/250] [EXP 264.901.024.047/400.000.000.000]

Today in the morning the Rin Sisters also appeared, alongside the Spirits, however at a later time, so we had a better sleep through the morning, until around noon when we were waking up and getting ready for breakfast.

The Golem Table was filled with hundreds of colorful delicacies processed in the Empire and cooked in the Castle's Royal Kitchen, the delicious smell of grilled meat, steamed rice, recently baked bread, and other preparations filled my nostrils as I happily ate.

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