

[Day 93]

Today was a nice and peaceful day. I woke up quite late for the exhaustion of last night activities, but I had a nice bath with my wives and children. Although Ryo is the only male in the bath, he is accustomed to his "mothers" and doesn't get embarrassed about our nude bodies.

After seeing his little friend, I already knew that he was indeed my son. I'm very proud of him…

Anyways, I spent around six hours training with my two children. Every day is something new to discover with such talented kids. Today, Amiphossia learned how to make a "Phantasmal Coating" using Corrosive Poison Magic, something very similar to my own magic shield.

Meanwhile, Ryo also learned something similar which he named "Energy Coating". He also learned a special technique that uses a sword, and axe, a lance and a mace all at the same time, it was named [Four Weapons Barrage].

Next chapter