
Chapter 42

Upon arriving at the academy, Daiyu felt like she was scammed. She had always thought that going to school meant that she could spend her entire day with Liu Jin. But who would have known that he had his own classroom and could not stay with her! Feeling cheated, her eyes began to tear up. This was a scam!

Nevertheless, she stopped her tears and remained seated properly. She had promised her Jin-gege that she would be a good girl.

To Daiyu's relief, the day passed by quickly.

At first, she was really shy and stayed quiet. However, soon, several children had approached her, wanting to be friends. She was extremely cute and the boys fell for her at once. While the other girls were jealous at first, they quickly warmed up to her because of her bubbly personality.

By the end of the day, Daiyu had forgotten all about Liu Jin. It was only when he came to fetch her that she remembered his existence.

Of course, Liu Jin felt his little heart break upon seeing how easily Daiyu's affection was stolen. Nevertheless, he steeled his heart and promised to make his little princess love him even more.


"Xiao Yu, did you have fun today?" He asked. They were inside the car, on their way back home.

Daiyu nodded vigorously. She climbed onto his lap and excitedly told him about her day. Liu Jin listened patiently, watching as her chubby cheeks moved up and down every time she talked.

Not before long, they had arrived at the Wang Mansion. They proceeded to the study where their private tutor met them. They had their lessons together until seven in the evening before having dinner. After eating, Liu Jin bathed Daiyu, dried her hair, and put her to sleep before going back home to the Liu Estate.

This peaceful routine continued every day. In the mornings, the Zheng family car would fetch Liu Jin from the Liu Estate before driving to the Wang Mansion to pick Daiyu up. The three children would then go to school together.

In the afternoons, the Wang family car would bring Liu Jin and Daiyu back to the Wang Mansion to meet with their private tutor before Liu Jin returned to the Liu Estate.

On weekends, Daiyu would have voice lessons while Liu Jin trained with his grandfather. Zhihao, who had nothing better to do, was likewise dragged along to train with him.

"I didn't live a second life to become a macho man!!!" He complained as they ran around the training course. Nevertheless, he joined Liu Jin every weekend, completing every course with him.

Before long, a month had passed since Daiyu's first day at the academy.


Today, Daiyu's class was preparing for a play. They were going to perform it a month later for the school festival. Right now, the teacher was busy assigning their roles.

"Daiyu, you'll be Snow White. Okay?"

"No!" A girl quickly rejected the idea before Daiyu could even respond.

"Zhenzhen, what's wrong?"

"I want to be Snow White!"

"You cant'! Daiyu is Snow White!"

"Yeah, yeah! She's prettier than you!"

The boys quickly defended Daiyu.

Shocked, Zhenzhen balled her fists and clenched her teeth.

"You're so mean, Daiyu! Why are you asking the boys to bully me?!"

"Yeah! What a bully!"

"Daiyu should be the evil witch instead!"

Zhenzhen smirked, satisfied that her posse backed her up.

To their surprise, Daiyu's eyes glistened.

"Daiyu wants to be the evil witch!!!" She excitedly exclaimed.

"Eh?" The teacher was shocked. Even Zhenzhen could not hide her disbelief.

"Y-you can't, Daiyu. The evil witch is really ugly!"

"Yeah! And she's mean!"

Her friends tried to convince her.

"No she's not! She's really cool and powerful!" Her eyes sparkled.


"Yup! She knows magic!" Daiyu explained.

The children paused. She was right. The evil witch did know magic!

"But she's ugly!" One boy tried to reason.

"No she's not! She was really beautiful! She was just jealous of Snow White!"

"R-really?" A girl tilted her head to one side.

Daiyu nodded.

"And – and, she's older than Snow White! Jin-gege said that older women are beautiful. They have – they have bigger boobs too!" She excitedly explained.

The teacher blushed. Where did she learn that?!

"Okay then. Daiyu, you can be the evil witch." A boy relented. If it was Daiyu, he was sure that even the evil witch would become beautiful.

"Yeah! Daiyu can be the beautiful evil witch!" Her friend cheered.

"Daiyu's going to be so cool!"

Shocked, Zhenzhen became unhappy.

"I changed my mind! I want to become the evil witch instead!" She claimed.

"What?! Didn't you say you wanted to be Snow White?!" Zhou Yan, an avid Daiyu follower, retorted.

"Stop trying to take whatever Daiyu wants!" Fu Chunhua, Daiyu's closest friend, defended her.

"W-what?! I just wanted to help her avoid a bad role!" Zhenzhen defended herself.

"Okay then. You can take it." Daiyu gave up the role easily.


"Daiyu can be a dwarf instead!!!" Her eyes turned into dollar signs.

In the end, the teacher had a very hard time convincing Daiyu to abandon the role of a dwarf. The teacher was worried that her grandfather, Wang Jing, would be unhappy with the role.

"But Daiyu, the dwarves are not royalty. Don't you want to become a queen?"

"You can't dis… discwiminate against the working class, Teacher Peng!" She huffed. "The working class are the lifeblood of the nation!" She reiterated.

Lately, she had been spending a lot of time watching political shows. Liu Jin had always been invested in the country's news and Daiyu, who spent her free time beside him, would inadvertently hear such words whenever he watched TV.

Teacher Peng sweated. Why was this child so smart when it came to weird things?! Daiyu had average grades in most of her classes. She wasn't study smart but she was definitely street smart!

"Yes, Daiyu. You're right. The dwarves do have respectable occupations. But the evil witch does too!"

Daiyu tilted her head.

"Do you not remember how she walked around, peddling her apples? She was a hardworking merchant!"

Daiyu paused, digesting her words.

"Does… does she earn more money?"

Teacher Peng nodded.

"As queen, she also receives money from the people in the form of taxes."

Daiyu's eyes turned to dollar signs.

"O-okay then! Daiyu will be the evil witch instead!"

Teacher Peng let out a sigh of relief. The principal had already talked to her about Daiyu's situation and had warned her to take extra care of the child. At least, even if the evil witch was not the protagonist, Daiyu would still play a major role.

Finally, things were settled. Zhenzhen would play as Snow White while Daiyu would play as the evil witch. The teacher then dismissed the class but not before handing them letters to give to their parents. The letter contained information about the play and had instructed the children's guardians to prepare their costumes for them.

Upon arriving home, Daiyu excitedly told her grandfather about her role. Wang Jing was equally as happy as her and had hired a famous designer to prepare her costume for her. He was very supportive of her happiness and was pleased with the way she had been enjoying school.


For the next month, Liu Jin would practice Daiyu's lines with her, making sure she had them down to pat. He had also asked Nana to buy him a video camera because he wanted to record Daiyu's performance.

"Oh man. The stalker just got a skill upgrade." Zhihao sarcastically commented as he watched Liu Jin play with his new toy.

Liu Jin and Zhihao were assigned to perform The Sleeping Beauty. However, their class had very aggressive girls who had been fighting for the roles. As such, the teacher decided that drawing lots would be the best way to solve the problem. To both their chagrin, they had been assigned the roles of the prince and princess respectively.

That's right. Liu Jin was the prince while Zhihao was the princess.

The past month had been horrible for both of them. They had to pretend to be sweet to each other during practice but would resume to be at each other's neck the moment the teacher turned her back.

At first, Liu Jin was resolved to pretend being sick on the day of the festival but he didn't want to miss Daiyu's performance. Besides, Daiyu said he looked really cool in his prince costume. He blushed upon remembering her words.

"What a creep!" Zhihao, who saw his blush, commented.

A vein popped on Liu Jin's head.

"Shut up! Go and wear your dress already!!!" They were currently fitting their costumes but Zhihao refused to wear his.

"Not a fucking chance!"

Liu Jin gritted his teeth and started forcibly changing Zhihao's clothes.

"A-are you a pervert?! Stop undressing me! H-help!"

Due to his loud cries, Butler Tang entered the room wondering what the commotion was about. Upon seeing Liu Jin stripping the blushing Zhihao, Butler Tang gave them an uncomfortable look before excusing himself in a hurry.



Before long, they day of the festival finally arrived. The three children wore their colorful costumes, ready to give their best performance for the crowd.

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