
Time Limit (IV)

The Mana lake sent out a blast of water magic back at the two, trying to keep them away.

Both Dairen and Heather angrily retaliated, fighting back to hold onto what little sanity they had as they swam desperately downwards. They weren't going to stop, and they knew if they did, Snow was going to be lost forever.

Dairen kicked hard, reaching out and grabbing Snow's wrist. Heather followed suit, grabbing the other as they stared at each other and nodded their head to bring her back to the top. They kicked vigorously, fighting against the mana lake that wouldn't let them go.

Dairen could feel his chest screaming for a breath. He kicked harder until he burst out of the water with heavy breathing. His chest was pounding hard, but he pulled Snow's arm then her body, close to him.

He noticed the wound slowly closing as the mana lake worked its magic on healing her injured body. Elated that the Mana lake was doing his job, he kept a good hold on Snow, not letting her go.

Heather burst out of the water, flicking her red hair back. "This is not going to work." She stated with worry. "I'm going to encase both of you in a space, which should help control this damnable lake from possessing her." She growled.

"Good, I have a natural affinity to water, or both of you would have drowned." She clucked her teeth, getting frustrated that the water magic wasn't listening to her as quickly as she thought. Heather let go; she swam a bit back as she raised her hands. Green magic started to glow around her fingertips.

The water around her started to flow as green magic began to bend to Heather's will. Furrowing her bow, she raised her hand to allow a better control of magic. She directed it around both Dairen and Snow, keeping the Mana Lake from completely overtaking both of them in one go.

Heather closed her eyes, her red hair flowing in the water like seaweed as her red tail glittered like jewels. If anyone were present, they would have thought Heather was enchantingly beautiful. Most would have fallen over heels in her mermaid form, but Dairen didn't pay any attention to her.

Dairen could feel his body started to get tired as drowsiness started to take over. His arm felt like jello and sluggish. He knew the plant was beginning to take effect; swimming was becoming a lot difficult.

A sizeable green bubble started to form around both Snow and Dairen, encasing them in an energy ball. Dairen was able to breathe inside the bubble as it bobbed up and down on the lake water. The mana lake tendrils started to wrap around the bubble, once again dragging it down to the center.

The cold that Dairen felt slowly slipped out of his body, replaced with the soft warmth of Snow's skin. He could see that the hole in her chest was rapidly healing, bringing a bit of life back into her. Her black hair was quickly changing into a pure white color as it floated around her. It kept growing and growing, reaching down to her legs.

A soft, hot breath escaped her lips, tickling Dairen's shoulder. He glanced down, hugging her closed as his eyes became heavy. He ducked his cheeks next to hers, feeling the warmth of whatever her body was giving off.

Dairen was ecstatic. The soft beating of her heart echoed in his arm and through his body, telling him that she was alive. He knew that the ice magic was breaking quickly, but his connection to her was still there.

The water magic and Heather's magic cradled them both in its embrace, protecting them from the roaring waters that seem to want to get into the bubbles, but Heather fought viciously for her friend.

Heather furrowed, trying to control the bubble as best she can, she swam close. She was trying to keep the magic bubble intact. She wasn't going to let the bubble burst.

Dairen closed his eyes, letting the world take him over as his mind dived into Snow's dream. It was as if he was falling. He wanted to scream, but he couldn't. He was coming for her, and he was going to get her out.


Snow sat at the island in the middle of the kitchen, typing over the next big project that she had to finish for the day. Her mind was honed as the music from her phone kept playing. It's usually an upbeat song. She enjoyed these calm moments, letting the day lazily go by. How she loved it and wished that it would never end.

How long was she sitting here, writing? She wasn't sure, but when she peeked down at the corner, she realized it was noon. Her high school homework was almost done, giving her time to use the rest of the day to whatever she wanted.

Already, her mind was working out the plan for the rest of the day, trying to figure out what to do next. She thought of possibly painting that she usually likes to do, or maybe call Heather and go to the mall. She wasn't completely set on her actions.

Stretching with a loud yawn, she got up.

"Honey," A soft, calm voice called out to her from behind. A beautiful lady named Liz with black hair came over, smiling at her with her usual carefree attitude. She was small, almost petite barely reaching up to two-thirds of the way to Snow's shoulder. Her cute face defied age, making her look closer to a college student.

"Yes, mom?" Snow glanced down to her mother, who seemed to pout at her. She wondered what was wrong until she realized a bit too late.

"You forgot to wake me up." Liz puckered up her lips, letting her black hair fall in front of her face. The pout had gotten even more significant; she stomped a bit to make her point. Snow rolled her eyes at her mother's tantrum.

"Mom." Snow groaned, she had wondered for a moment why her mom seemed disgruntled. Maybe she was just getting older and forgetful, but she seemed to revert to her younger days. "I'm sorry, I forgot. I just had a few homework to finish."

"Fine, I forgive you." She huffed, walking over towards the kitchen. She opened up the cabinet, and did a small hop, trying to reach for the top.

Snow couldn't help but snort from holding back her laughter. It was adorable to see her mother do the usual bunny hop whenever she tried to get whatever she needed.

"Not funny," Liz growled.

"Let me help you with that." Snow came over, reaching up to grab a few plates. Usually, her mother would have brought over a small stool to help herself get it, but today it seemed that her mother had forgotten. Again.

Snow hoped that this wasn't going to become a family issue of being forgetful.

"Thanks." With a pleased expression, she walked over to grab a few items from the refrigerator. She reached in, taking out some eggs, bacon, bread, and butter. "I'll make you a quick breakfast."

"Um, mom. It's afternoon."

"So? Did you eat breakfast?" Liz looked over her shoulder towards Snow, asking her what that got to do with anything.

"No." Snow replied.

"So, it's still breakfast," Liz spoke, waving her spatula. She dived back into cooking, pouring the olive oil into the pan. A hot sizzle erupted, telling her that the pan was ready. "You are breaking your fast."

"I guess?" Snow said, a bit confused. She was wondering why she was correcting her.

"Don't worry; I'll make a delicious breakfast the way you like it." She giggled, telling Snow that whatever she was concocting wasn't going to kill her: hopefully. There were times when her mother got a little too happy-go-lucky and did some odd experiments.

A hot sizzling like pop was heard as Liz started to crack another egg on a frying pan. An aromatic smell of egg swept through the air, making Snow stomach grumble.

"Hey mom," Snow called out to her mother. A strange, swirling feeling could be felt as her mind started to throb lightly. It was an itch, almost unbearably annoying that she couldn't get rid of. She tilted her head, trying to figure out what was the cause. At first, she thought it was the food that her mother was cooking her, but that wasn't the case. The smell didn't bother her at all, even if she held her breath.

A bit frustrated, she tried to shake it off. It has been happening for the past few days and only intensifying.

"Yes, sweetheart?"

"Does that guy still come by to bother you?" Snow asked.

"Which guy?" Liz stopped cooking; she looked at Snow as if she was talking gibberish.

"You know, the pervert that kept staring at you at the mall. He followed us home, and I had to call the police."

"Ah, him." Liz went back to cook; she didn't seem to phased by what she was asking. "He's coming over now."

"What?!" Snow bolted up, completely bewildered by what she had heard. She couldn't believe her mother made such a rash decision. She wasn't like this, right?

Suddenly, if on cue, they heard a loud knock at the door. Snow's head whipped towards the knock, a bit afraid at who it was. She didn't like the guy bothering her mother, especially him coming to their house. It was unnatural. No, something wasn't right.

"Go get the door, dear."

"But, Mom. This guy is a stalker. We can't just let anyone in." Snow spoke, trying to persuade her mother's decision.

"It's going to be alright." Liz scrapped the egg and put it on the plate. She then stuck two pieces of bread in the toaster. "Go get the door." A bit more commanding than before.

Snow wasn't sure if her mother was thinking straight. Bringing in a stalker into the house was the last thing she wanted. She wished dearly that her father was here, but he was at work. Maybe if she reached over and called him now, he would come running home. Without further thought, she grabbed her phone and quickly typed in a message to her father. Let's hope that he will come back in time. She placed down the phone and got up.

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