

Inside Earth, the Devil Octopus is greedily absorbing the stone that Shadowslash named Nurture Stone to help itself recovers, because it's presence is too big, it was transported near the devil octopi nest.

The Leviathans and it were still considered as mortal enemies, only after being filled with Earth's aura would they be able to suppressed the wrath of their bloodline.

There are a couple of devil octopi present in it's area, it was happy because it felt like it had returned home.

Meanwhile, Shadowslash start releasing the other captives, since he is experienced on dealing with the mysterious chains, he had a much easier time.

After the remaining nine Saint Lords were released, they instantly started recuperating, they have been imprisoned so long that their body is now a bit broken.

Their strength isn't even half as great as before, of course, their unbridled absorption didn't went unnoticed.

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