

Rusty Iron stage a person needed to do an amount of work to earn CP

Normal Iron Rank would earn the same amount of CP with only half as much work as the Rusty Iron Rank

Good Iron Rank have the ability to become an F Rank adventurer since they are Shadowslash's subordinates they could earn 30% increase in CP from their quest of course the increase would only works on F Rank missions or any work they done

Bronze Ranks could now earn money other than CP but a person needed to use an amount of CP to increase his or her rank

Rusty Bronze Stage would earn 5% of the enumeration in the job accepted he or she also earn a 10% increase on CP he or she earn on any D Rank mission and a 35% increase on F Rank missions if he or she was not an adventurer they would still earn a bonus increase on any job they finished they would earn an amount of enumeration and a 25% increase on any CP he or she earned

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