
The first blood

At Lannisport, Aslan was amazed.

Having discovered that Tywin had spread malicious rumors, Aslan understood that this world could be more secret than it seemed.

He sent his agents to watch Tywin and the agents discovered several letters sent between Tywin and Pycell.

Tywin with the help of Pycell poisoned the children of Aerys and Rhaella. They killed a total of 5 children, some dead born and others killed a few months after their birth.

Aslan was in his chair completely amazed.

Aslan had killed innocent people in this world to avoid danger, but he had never killed infants. He was shocked at the cruelty of his father.

Aslan could not sit idly by, in this timeline, Tywin could actually kill all Targaryens because of the changes made by Aslan. Aslan couldn't sit back and started to build backups.

The rebellion has already started but the weapons have not yet started to confront each other. Aslan still had a week or two before Jon Arryn's troops faced those of the Crownlands.

Aslan took advantage of the chaos to recruit various men from the Reach, Riverlands, and Westlands. He mainly recruited lonely men.

These men were craftsmen, carpenters, blacksmiths, and others. He also recruited men who joined the army. These men were cannon fodder and if they survive the war then they will be elites.

In two weeks before the first battles, Aslan succeeded in incorporating 10 men. All of these men had come, enticed by the money and the dreams that the army offered.

Finally, at the end of these two weeks, the Arryn and Crownlands army clashed.

The first battle takes place in Gulltown. Gulltown was an important port which would allow Ned Stark and Robert Baratheon to regain their land by boat, but the lord of Gulltown is faithful to the king.

Marq Grafton opposes his suzerain, Jon Arryn, and the outburst. The battle lasted two days when finally the army of The Vale broke the ramparts. Robert charged first and killed Marq Grafton with his hammer.

Jon Arryn took the city and sent Robert with their ships. Arriving at Storm's End, Robert summoned his banners.

Ned who was worried about his sister and angry for his father and brother does not wait for the capture of Gulltown and returned to the North passing by the three sisters then White Harbor to summon his bannerets.

Aerys who was waiting for Ned and Robert's head, entered mad anger which he unleashed on his wife, raping and beating her.

The maids and guards were helpless. Ashara who was Rhaella's maid of honor was sad for her.

In the Reach, the Tyrells were immobile, they did not move their army. Because of Aslan's warnings, Olenna waited patiently.

The Tully also was silent, waiting for patiently. Aslan never trusted the Tully for a reason. He viewed the Tullys as weak and silly opportunists. The only person Aslan respects is Brynden Tully.

Dorne, on the other hand, mobilized her army to the south against the Storm's Land. Dorne was a former loyal ally of the Targaryens despite some historical conflicts. Dorne can be either a reliable ally or a vicious enemy.

In Lannisport, after learning that Ned and Robert returned to their lands and summoned their banners, Aslan mobilized his army.

He took the 10,000 recruits with him plus his elite army. Among his 55,000 elite soldiers, he took two legions of infantrymen (one legion = 3,500 soldiers), a group of cavalry (4,500 horsemen) and 2,000 archers.

Aslan sent his army to Riverspring, a town on the gold road. The gold road is a road connecting Lannisport, Casterly Rock and King's Landing. Riverspring is a walled city between the Westerlands, Riverlands, the Reach, and the Crownlands.

Riverspring is a very strategic city.

Aslan stayed in Lannisport because he knew that his time had not yet come. Despite this, he still controlled everything with the information from his agents.

Robert Baratheon has just joined Storm's End to summon the storm land bannerets when he learns from a spy that the Fell, Cafferen and Grandison houses are preparing to march against him. Robert does not wait for the gathering of his troops, and marches directly on Summerhall, rallying point of the three houses, with what he can gather knights and squires.

Robert Baratheon arrives first at Summerhall. It seems that he then ambushed each lord, the latter arriving separately. All three are beaten successively on the same day. Lord Fell was killed in single combat by Robert, and his son, Silveraxe, was taken prisoner, as were Lords Cafferen and Grandison.

Aslan was impressed with Robert's instinct, Aslan would have done the same. He would not have allowed the enemy army to organize and he would have prepared a special terrain to ambush and massacre them.

As he read the news, his face soon turned ugly.

"He's an idiot?!"

After having defeated the 3 traitors, Robert entrusts the command of Storm's End to his younger brother Stannis Baratheon and walks on Ashford.

Ashford is a city of Reach and it is an important fortress.

Robert entered neutral territory and attacked Ashford.

Aslan rubbed his forehead as he read this information.

"He's really an idiot. I can understand the reason for leaving the Storm's Land but daring to attack neutral territory is really stupid."

Robert headed for Ashford to probably join forces with Eddard and Jon Arryn, but also to protect his borders by warding off clashes.

However, Robert has created an enemy who could have become his ally.

Aslan sighed and shook his head.


A guard entered the office respectfully.

"Yes my Lord?"

"Call him Axel, I have a duty that he must fulfill."

"It will be done."

The guard left the office and 15 minutes later a knight in silver armor with a long red cape entered. The knight was 1.82 cm tall and had an extremely muscular body.

"My lord, did you call me?"

"Yes, I'm going to send you south, you have an important duty to perform and everything must remain secret, you understand."

"Yes my lord."

"Well, you will have to bring a master and medicine with a roof so the load will be a bit heavy but I'm sure you will succeed."

"I also want to leave, I'm tired of training every day!"

A kid with a horrible scar out of the corner of the door.

"O, you're listening at the doors now."

Aslan stared at Sandor with a murderous air. Sandor didn't care and shrugged.

"I don't care about secrets, I just want to fight."

Aslan removed his murderous look and smiled.

"It's okay then, Axel you will take this kid with you, make sure you make him fight."

Axel gave a wild smile worthy of a wild beast.

"You will leave at night with horses, the master is already ready with all the supplies."

"You can go now, I'm very busy. Damn paperwork."

Axel and Sandor giggled as they left the office.

Aslan pulled out a short letter from a drawer before looking at it.

The letter said:

My lord, the targets are in the lands of eternal summer. An imposing tower in the red dragon is found. 5 mysterious companions are together.

Aslan smiles. The letter was in poetry and only its agents had the capacity to decipher it. This letter was the reason for the departure of Axel and the master.

A week later, the war changed.

After his victories at Summerhall, Robert Baratheon finds himself isolated in the lands of the Storm of his only two allies, Lord Eddard Stark and Lord Jon Arryn, who must probably at this time make their junction in the Conflans and negotiate an alliance with Lord Hoster Tully from Vivesaigues. Robert is therefore trapped between the forces of the Reach, Dorne and Crown lands.

After leaving the command of the meager garrison of Lull to his young brother Stannis, Robert moved towards Cendregué in the Reach. This movement can be explained by the need to protect the borders of the lands of the Storm by directly carrying out the confrontations on those of its adversaries.

Robert Baratheon is assaulting the ramparts of Cendregué when he is taken from behind by the avant-garde of Lord Mace Tyrell led by Lord Randyll Tarly. In the ensuing battle, Lord Cafferen is killed by Lord Tarly, who then sends his head to King Aerys II Targaryen. In the other camp, Ser Quentin Tyrell, Lord Tyrell's cousin, also died. Robert's army is defeated, and he himself is seriously injured. The main body of the Tyrell army does not seem to have been directly involved in the confrontation, Robert's forces having been disbanded by Lord Tarly's vanguard.

Randyll Tarly had become famous after this battle. His strategic talent became recognized by the great powers.

Aslan could only deplore these losses. Of Robert's 25,000 men, only around 4,000 managed to escape. Randyll Tarly is still aiming for perfect victory and this movement paralyzes the Storm's Lands.

As injured Robert Baratheon and the remains of his army retreat to Stoney Seven, their pursuit is led by Lord Jon Connington, the new King's Hand named after Lord Owen Merryweather's disgrace. Robert's army survivors fled to Stoney Seven hoping to join the armies of the North and the Vale.

Lord Mace Tyrell and his army were ordered to move towards Lull and to besiege the place.

Meanwhile Eddard Stark and Jon Arryn have to make their junction in the Riverlands. To do this, they must negotiate an alliance with Lord Hoster Tully of Riverrun. Robert was isolated from his allies in his Stormlands, trapped between the enemy forces of the reach, Dorne and Crown lands.

Eddard Stark and Jon Arryn persuade Lord Hoster Tully to join the rebellion, probably by the promise that Eddard Stark will marry Catelyn Tully instead of the deceased Brandon.

Hoster Tully and joined the rebellion. Hoster Tully took the opportunity to consolidate his strength on the Riverlands. Lord Hoster Tully attacks the strongholds of his few vassals claiming to remain loyal to the Targaryens, like the Bonru house.

Hoster took advantage of this to weaken several nobles.

At Lannisport Aslan smiles reading his reports.

"This old fart is sinister. He used rebellion to strengthen his family, so that's why he spread these rumors about Rhaegar."

Aslan only smiled and he memorized this information for future use.

News reached Aslan. Tywin mobilized his men to Riverspring. In total there are 35,000 men in Tywin's army.

Riverspring currently has 58,300 men, of whom 48,500 are elites. 35,500 elite men from Tywin and 13,500 elite from Aslan.

Aslan has mobilized only 13,500 elites from his 55,000 elite army.

Meanwhile, further south, wounded in the Battle of Ashford, Robert fell back on Stoney Seven, pursued by the large contingent of Lord Jon Connington. He takes refuge in a brothel where he abandons himself to the care of boarders and his supporters.

Lord Jon has the city searched thoroughly: he would like to capture the rebel before his allies arrive. But this search wasted his time, and he was attacked by the army led by Lord Eddard Stark, Lord Hoster Tully and Lord Jon Arryn.

Aslan shook his head at the naive Jon Connington. Aslan is said to have set the city on fire, forcing even the ants to leave their hiding places. Aslan would rather pass for a devil than let an enemy run in the wild until one day he comes back to bite him.

Jon Connington was a good general but too gentle, he lacked cruelty.

Lord Connington finds himself beset by this very army which he dreads, and which quickly overwhelms the defenses of the city. We then fight throughout the city, from the smallest alley to major arteries through the roofs. In the septuaries, we then ring the bells to warn the inhabitants of the danger, and warn them to stay at home and barricade themselves, which gave its name to the battle, the battle of the bells.

As soon as he heard the sound of bells, Lord Robert Baratheon came out of his hiding place to take part in the fighting despite his injury. He kills six men, including Ser Myles Mouton, formerly the squire of Prince Rhaegar Targaryen. Meanwhile, Jon Connington seriously injured Lord Hoster and killed Ser Denys Arryn.

The defeat of Lord Jon Connington led to his dismissal and exile by King Aerys, who then realized that the rebellion constituted a serious threat to his power.

Later, Jon Connington will bitterly regret not having simply burnt and razed the city, as a man like Lord Tywin Lannister would have done, rather than having had the arrogance to seek to kill Robert Baratheon's his own hands in order to prove his worth to Prince Rhaegar Targaryen.

This battle made Westeros tremble because it marks the beginning of the real war.

Aslan also started to prepare because his agent informed him that the dragon started to move.

Late at night, Aslan with Ulmer and Oswyn heads south towards Dorne.

A week later, Rhaegar Targaryen finally returns to Port-Réal to lead the loyalist army. Ser Barristan Selmy and Ser Jonothor Darry of the Royal Guard are sent to collect the remains of Jon Connington's army.

Dorne sent 5000 men commanded by a lord. Dorne showed support but everyone could see that they were not being serious.

On the other hand, Storm's End has been under siege by the Tyrells for months. Storm's End is under a land and sea blockade, preventing anyone from entering. Mace Tyrell suggested this tactic to starve people inside because the fortress is impregnable.

Mathis Rowan blocks the land routes and Paxter Redwyne blocks the sea with his fleet.

The siege drags on and Stannis Baratheon inexorably refuses to return the place, even if the besieged are forced to eat horses, cats, dogs ... then rats and the leather of their boots.

Ser Gawen Wylde and three of his knights attempt to desert. At first, Stannis plans to allow them to go out by catapulting them, but his maester encourages him rather to save the meat which is so sorely lacking.

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