

A hero is a person, typically a man who is admired for his courage and determination, outstanding achievements or noble qualities. We all have read stories about heroes in books and Greek mythologies and all their deeds are engraved in our minds, they are the one who gives hope for the weak. For a hero the word "Impossible" always decomposes and yield as "I'm possible" A true hero is emphatic, benevolent and shows a great deal in compassion and terderness to those ailing and distress.

"Losing is not an option"

There are many types of heroes in the world such as a willing hero, motivated by the obstacles that he faces, this type of hero runs towards danger with a gleam in his eyes while everyone from his party are running away from it, even though he knows he is losing. He's always prepared to take on any challenges to escape from his boring life. Second the unwilling hero, the exact opposite of the willing hero, he's always doubting himself whether he can do that or not, always unsure of the paths he takes. This type of hero is usually chraracterized as a ordinary people, possessing no magic nor strength. He is bound to think that he should be strong for the sake of his country and it's people. An epic hero who is known for his braveness, a chosen legendary being who was given a extraordinary powers by the gods. A Classical hero, Tragic hero and so on and so fort. However the type of a hero this story will be telling you is, a sadist Hero.

A sadist is usually characterized as a person who takes pleasure in inflicting pain, punishment and humiliating others the exact opposite of a masochist, the one who takes pleasure in experiencing pain.

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