
You Didn’t?

Seeing Chief Guard Li escorting Ling Fan into the Main Hall, Ling Ming eyebrows furrowed.

Daughter, father only has you.

Chief Li bowed, "Master, just now Young Miss asked me to send her to you. Unless you require something of me, I will take my leave."

Ling Ming waved his hand, eyes tenderly looking at his little daugther.

"Little Fan is looking for Father? How are you feeling today? If you want, Father will take you out to tour the markets."

Shensheng snorted, appearing behind Ling Fan's ankle.

"Remember, don't reveal you real identity," echoed her voice in Ling Fan's mind.

Bowing, she said, "Father, Daughter hopes you will fulfill her requests."

"Eh! My beloved little daughter has requests...dresses, sweets, toys...Father will give them all. Someone bring us tea and sweets!"

"Father is there kaffe?"

"Kaffe? Er—even though Father is knowledgeable, he's never heard of kaffe."

"Fool, There's no kaffe in the Nine Chaos Heavens!" blurted Shensheng.


"Fool, provide an excuse."


"Father, Daughter had a dream where the Divinities were drinking a divine liquid called kaffe. Therefore, when I awoke this morning, Daughter wanted to drink some."

Ling Ming patted her head. "Father will attempt to find some. However if its truly a liquid that only the Divinities drink, it may be impossible to attain," he said with dejected face.

"Daughter understands…Father the main reason I came here is…Ling Fan wants to get stronger. Ling Fan only has Father left...Daughter want's to be able to protect Father."

Tears welled up in Ling Ming's eyes.

His daughter was so filial.

Clearing his throat, he said, "Beloved Child, Father will use all his means to support you."

Ling Fan smiled brightly, "Father, how can daughter start cultivating?"

"This? You truly want to start now?"

Ling Fan nodded shyly.

"Hahhaha! I had wanted to wait until you were 9...but who is Father to stop you if you want to start at 6. Beloved, all we need to do is test your talent and…," Grabbing her wrist, "...test your constitution."

Ling Ming, utilized is sense of a Martial King to evaluate Ling Fan.

"Hahaaa! Daughter...its as I expected...you indeed have inherited our Ling Family's Cold Star body."

"Father is-is the Cold Star Body special?"

Scratching his head, Ling Ming said, "From what I read...yes." Seeing Ling Fan's befuddled look, he went on, "It only appears every other generation...so I am unfamiliar with it. However, if your Grandfather were here...he most definitely could tell you. All Father knows is that the constitution has been passed since ancient times and its suited for both star and cold based techniques."

"Star?? Ha...this explains why I feel a resonance with you," said Shensheng.

"After we test your talent, Father will take you to the clan library. There, I'll let you choose the techniques you want to practice. Now let Father will take you to his courtyard. There, we have our family's Testing Stele.

Lifting her dainty body, Ling Min carried his daughter to his courtyard.

He sighed.


With a somber voice, Ling Ming said, "Last time you visited the courtyard, you were with your Mother. She was combing your hair…She-She loved you dearly."

Raising a dainty fist, "Father, Fan'er will avenge Mother!"

"Mhm. We'll avenge her together...Father Swears."

Moments later, with Shensheng following, they entered the courtyard.

Before a tall stele, Ling Ming gently lowered his Ling Fan.

Ling Fan scrutinized the stele.

Is it made out of ice?

Bring out a needle, Ling Ming said, "Father will now prick your thumb. Father won't care if you cry, so no need to pretend to be strong. Touch your palm, with your blood, to the stele. Then it will activate to reveal your potential and talent."

Forgive Father!

With a wince, Ling Ming pricked her thumb.


As her blood trickled out, Ling Fan peered disdainfully at the needle.

How does this compare to being stabbed or cut with a knife?

"Daughter, it doesn't hurt?" probed Ling Ming.

"Father, it's not even a scratch," she said squeezing more blood out of the wound.


"There, now there should be enough for testing," said Ling Fan. Calmly, she placed her bloody palm on the stele.

White light fluctuated in waves across the surface of the stele.

"Fan'er, keep you hand pressed...It's starting!"

Meanwhile, a servant entered the courtyard. "Master," he called.

Waving him to silence, Ling Ming's eyes stared at the stele.

Oh great Divinities, this Father begs that my daughter is talented.

Ohm! Ohm! Ohm!

Suddenly, a row of mysterious characters lit up at the base of the stele.

Seeing these characters, Shensheng stood up on her hind legs. "Eh!?"

Ohm! Ohm!

The stele suddenly rose up on its own.

"Skreeee! Skreeee!"

Cries of a phoenix echoed about the area. SWOOSH! The stele turned into a beam of light and entered Ling Fan's forehead.


A silver colored cocoon of ice cracked constantly as it grew to encompass Ling Fan's small body.

Inside Ling Fan's mind, a Snow Phoenix loomed majestically over her...it's icy feathers glittering with light.

Stunned, Ling Fan stared up in utter stupefaction.

"Little One, it's been more than 120,000 years since someone from the Ling clan has been able to call me out."

"Who!-What! Are you?"

"I'm a soul wisp of Heavenly Snow Phoenix. Long ago, a Ling Clan Ancestor saved my life. To repay this debt, I left this inheritance behind to help ensure the Ling Clan's longevity. The techniques I will pass to you are Snow Phoenix Wings, Piercing Ice Feather, and Divine Ice Domain. These are innate skills and you may start cultivating them now."

"In the future, should you die, the stele will appear again. At that time, please leave it for future Ling Clan generations. Should you rise to the level of a Celestial. Perhaps one day, will be able to meet."

"Little one...may you grow well...I wait you in the stars."

The Heavenly Snow Phoenix flashed with light and it disappeared.

In the outside world, Ling Ming drew out a ax and was about to start hacking the ice cocoon, when it started cracking. Piece by piece, it slowly crumbled apart and an ice cold aura emanated out in small fluctuating waves.

"Fan'er! Can-Can you hear Father?"

Shensheng trotted forward and probed Ling Fan's ankle with her nose.

"Father, Daughter-Daughter is alright."

"Not bad..not bad Little Girl...You've inherited the innate skills of a Heavenly Snow Phoenix," said Shensheng.

Ling Ming ran up to his daughter and quickly checked her wrist.

"This!? Fan'er you-you're now a Martial Adept!"

Surprised, Ling Fan asked, "How do you know?"

"This Queen noticed the Snow Phoenix as soon as it entered your body. Naturally, this Queen of the cosmos has many such heavenly beings under me."

"What! That Heavenly Snow Phoenix was massive. How many of those do you command?"

"Not Telling...hurry and speak to your father...he's about to shake you silly."

During this time, Ling Ming had completely lifted his daughter and was twirling her around. Tears of happiness streamed down his cheeks. "Beloved Child, just now...the Divinities answered my prayers. You are our Ling Clan's greatest talent...our greatest hope. Surely, our Ling Clan will rise again!"

Ling Fan rolled her eyes. "Father-Father, Daughter see's three of you."

"Master," called the servant again.

Laughing wildly with his face flushed with pride, he gently set Ling Fan down. Turning to the servant, he said, "You heed my command. Prepare a banquet, invite the various clan heads. Bring out our Ling Clan's treasured Thousand Flower Wine."

The servant's face stiffened.

Ling Ming's smile froze. His heart fluttered...warning him he was about to receive bad news.

"You...don't hide anything. Just tell me everything."

Bowing the servant said, "Chief Li sent me over here. Last night, someone raided our cellar and we are missing several tens of jars of our Thousand Flower Wine. He's currently investigating and asks you to go over."

"Someone dares to steal my wine!!!"

Ling Ming's face now was contorted with rage.

"Father, Daughter wants to go to the Clan library now. Daughter want's to choose a cultivation technique."

"Here take my token. Tell Elder Bing you need to choose a Martial King cultivation technique. Later Father will look in upon you. Father loves you."

Handing over the token, he quickly left.

In the distance, she heard him command, "You go asked Chief Mo of the City Guards to come over."

"Master, this one will go at once."

"Thief, I'll kill you and all your clan!" roared Ling Ming.

In the Zhao Clan Manor next door, Zhao Chen accompanied his mother Zhao Jia.1 Before them were several tens of wine jars. His ears twitched as he heard the distant roars of Ling Ming. Beside him, his mother cackled in glee.

"Son—finally-finally your filial!"

"Mother, what if the Ling Clan discovers we are the thieves? What if they file a complaint with Chief Mo?"

"Humph! That'll just allow us an opening…Will take the Five Shadows, wipe them all out and take all their wine."

More roars erupted from next door.

Smacking his lips, Zhao Chen said, "Mother, I'll stash these jars for you so that you may enjoy them slowly."

Glaring at her son, "Humph! You think I don't know my own son? You think I don't know you want to hide some jars for yourself?"

Clenching his fist, Zhao Chen's dejected face turned way.

Back in the Ling Clan Manor, Shensheng was leading Ling Fan.

"How do you know the way to the Clan library," asked Ling Fan.

"This Queen has investigated well the Ling Clan grounds."

In the distance, Ling Fan could hear her father's angry roars.

"Father must be really upset."

"Mhm...That Thousand Flower Wine is really famous in Savant City. From what I've heard, it's considered the must-have wine for the City's upper echelons."

Ling Fan sighed, "If I knew who stole the wine...I'd-I'd tell father."

Snorting, Shensheng said, "This Queen already knows."

"Eh! How?"

"Humph! Is your head a brick? Have you not realized yet there is little this Queen does not know?"

"Who was it?"

"A Martial King from that genius's home next door."

Ling Fan smacked her fist into a palm. "I'll go inform Father right now."

"Even it means he and the whole clan is destroyed?"


"You'll find out later that people who file complaints against that family….kekeek...tend to disappear."

"More importantly, your Ling Clan only has three Martial Kings. That family has two peak Empyreans, three Martial Kings and that genius. You should be concerned about your Father kicking a iron plate."

Ling Fan's face blanched. "Can-Can we do nothing?"

"Mhm...You can only get stronger. You're father can get stronger. That is the only way."

Ling Fan's big brown eyes narrowed as she cracked her tiny knuckles.

Sister...I'll grow stronger...I'll protect our father and our Ling Clan.

"Little Girl, we've come to the library. No need to worry about the wine matter. This Queen will help the Ling Clan gain revenge."

"Let's gooo!" Ling Fan blurted, scooping up Shensheng and running into the building.

"You—You put this Queen down right now!"

When the pair entered the building, Shensheng was squealing profusely in Ling Fan's arms. Elder Bing couldn't help but open her mouth in shock.

"Young Miss! What-What are you doing?"

Ling Fan, dropped Shensheng and wiped sweat from her forehead. Cupping her dainty hands, she said, "Ling Fan greets Elder Bing."


A fart blurted out and a massive green, gaseous cloud filled the room.

A moment later, Ling Fan and Elder Bing ran out of the library hacking and coughing. Shensheng snorted and squealed after them in anger.

"Ling Fan was wrong! Ling Fan was wrong!"

"This Queen is angered now!!"

Later, after begging and promising a scrumptious banquet, Ling Fan calmed Shensheng down. The two stood before Elder Bing, who now stared at them dejectedly. Her eyes were still red and moist from the incident.

These little monsters...has the great calamity arrived?

"Elder Bing, Ling Fan has come to acquire a cultivation technique," pulling out the token her Father had given her, she handed it to Elder Bing.

"Young Miss, you-you want to cultivate?" asked a surprised Elder Bing.

"Father tested me just now, Ling Fan is a Martial Adept," Ling Fan said proudly.

Elder Bing hissed.

She really is a little monster.

"Congratulations Young Miss, how can this one help?"

Ling Fan peered expectedly at Shensheng.

Shensheng snorted and looked towards the neighboring clan.

Soon, this Queen will go have a look at that genius.

Not getting a response, Ling Fan embarrassingly smiled and asked, "If Elder Bing could show me the Star and Cold based techniques, then that would be enough."

"Ah that's simple..we don't have any cold based cultivation arts. However, we do have two Star based ones.. I'll show them to you now."

"It's as I thought," commented Shensheng

"Now you speak? How come you didn't offer any guidance?"

"Is there any need when you only have two options?"

Ling Fan sighed. "Elder Bing, how come there are only two techniques."

Elder Bing sighed as she pointed to one shelf. "Young Miss, even though our Ling Clan has existed since ancient times, we are a small clan. Thus, the shelf represents all the techniques we have."

"Do you understand now? The Heavenly Snow Phoenix is the true inheritance of your clan and probably is what has allowed it to exist for so long," said Shensheng.

"Doesn't this mean, I'm our Ling Clan's only hope."

"Mhm. Now you know why your father was so happy. I'm sure your grandfather will be equally ecstatic," replied Shensheng.

Elder Bing took out two scrolls and placed them before Ling Fan. Pointing at one, she said, "This one is called Astral River and the other is called Star Fire. Astral River will allow you to cultivate and temper your dantian and meridians with star power. The other focuses on harnessing the fire of stars, so as you can see, although they are similarly star based arts, they are vastly different.

"It's actually worse than I thought. You actually only have one choice."

"Elder Bing, thank you for your guidance. This one has a cold attribute constitution, so practicing the Star Fire would conflict with my cultivation."

"If that's the case, then feel free to borrow it. I will inform the master of your decision. Also..."

Ling Fan ears perked up, "Elder Bing...is-is there something you want to tell this Young Miss."

"Young Miss, I used to spar with your Mother when she-she was…..Sigh..I thought you should know she had a pair of grade 3 black steel Buttery Fly swords. She was quite proficient...she and the Patriarch used to be quite the heroic traveling pair."

Ling Fan's eyes brightened with delight.

Noticing the reaction, Shensheng asked, "You're interested in those swords?"

"Mhm. Back in the day...in my previous life...I was called The Cutter."

Shensheng, let out a sigh of relief. "The Cutter? I half thought you would say The Butcher...If so, I would have to kill you."


"That thick tree trunk representing your head, doesn't realize Butchers are the natural enemies of pigs?"


Ling Fan cupped her fist, "Ling Fan just remembered Mother's treasured weapons and will remember your kind reminder."

Turning about she hurriedly left with Shensheng.

Elder Bing sighed in relief as the Calamity Pair left, then sighed in sadness.

Sister if you were alive...you would have witnessed the rise of the talent that is your daughter.

Later in the early evening, Ling Ming stood with Chief Guard Li.

"Patriarch, I've doubled the patrols around the cellar. If you want me too, I can recruit additional guards? If the thief appears again, they'll be welcomeed by the full wrath of our Ling Clan."

"Chief Li, send word to my father and inform him that we won't be able send him his normal allotment of wine?"

"Patriarch, won't that great anger the Old Patriarch?"

"That precisely is my intention...once he receives word, it will force him to return. You may not know, but my Father cannot sleep without his Thousand Flower Wine."

Humph! Vagrant Father, let's see if you don't return home now?

Suddenly, the two heard roars and yells from the Zhao Clan Manor next.

"Is the Zhao Clan under attack?"

"Patriarch, should we investigate?"

"Yes, send a man. Normally the Zhao clan is loud, but during the evening and with such anger?? It could be the thief raiding their treasury?"

Chief Li, yelled, "Someone go and inquire next door. Find out if its related the thief."

About 15 minutes later, a guard ran in, "Reporting!"

Nodding, Ling Ming said, "Go ahead."

"Patriarch, it's a truly bizarre incident. The Zhao Clan was attacked by some strange flying beast."

"Strange beast, did they say what it was?"

"Zhao Clan guards had little specifics. They only said, it was unseen as it was extremely high up and it caused great damage to Zhao Chen's courtyard."

"Great Disaster King's courtyard?? Haaahaa! This is strange but good news," chuckled Ling Ming.

"Patriarch, shouldn't we go on alert? What if that beast strikes us?"

"Good thinking Chief Li, raise the whole guard and bring out the spears and bows.

Ling Ming chortled greatly as he stared towards the Zhao Clan with his hands crossed behind his back.

The mighty Great Disaster King has finally met with a calamity.

In Ling Fan's courtyard, Shensheng gently floated down from the sky.

Curious, Ling Fan asked, "Where'd run off to?"

"This Queen went to relieve herself," said Shensheng with happy comfortable look.

"Relieve yourself?? Ohh...that! You-You didn't within the Ling Clan's grounds, did you?"

Next chapter