
End of Part 1 Last Words

"Just carry him over and drop him into the pool. Really, new guys are always so clueless, what is the employment resources doing? They certainly gave bad training to the new recruits." The attendant exasperatedly complained and scolded LiHua again, "you new recruit, just go back to employment recruit and ask for retraining, get out of here already. Don't delay the process, today is unusually busy day… look at that long queue, when will it be break time?" He muttered on while he called for his friend to take over LiHua's position.

LiHua walked away when she heard the plop sound of Yuan LeiFeng being dropped in the water, she looked back and kept thinking, what was this about waiting for him?

'I don't know him that well to want to even wait for him. Did I do anything wrong? No way, I have got to find out why else I won't be in peace.'

Without dwelling about it, she rushed out of the court, hastily removing what she had on her and putting them inside her weaved hair pouch, dyed to her second favorite color of sky blue, but she kept her Amulet of Disguise on, keeping the guise of Court of Wheel of Rebirth attendant. She looked up into the clouds and whistled for the celestial messenger bird to come to her. The large white silky messenger bird descended down to in front of LiHua, LiHua gestured the universal 'Shhhh' sound to keep quiet, with her fingers on her lips, and quickly gestured the celestial messenger bird to follow her to a quiet corner.

It was a known fact that birds of all species love shiny objects, including the celestial messenger birds, LiHua looked through her items and she almost gave the blood red stone necklace that she was holding on her hand. It was the stone she received from Kai ZongYi but changed her mind.

'I can't give out someone's family heirloom, can't I? Oh well, I had to return this stone back to the Kai's family one day before I pawn it off… let's see what else we have here…' She kept back the stone inside her sky-blue pouch.

With a flair of her hand, like showmanship, she presented a shiny hairpin, one she had crafted after learning how to from her aunts, who had to attend court events and wear hair accessories. The celestial messenger bird looked approvingly at the hairpin and LiHua quickly whispered for the bird to get the Prince of Celestial Crane, He FeiQuan, to come to find her here as soon as possible. Receiving the request, the celestial messenger bird bobbed its head and quickly took off to the direction for He FeiQuan's manor.

He FeiQuan flew up to mount Tai as soon as possible, with bad premonition, why the clan was so easy going on her, they should keep a tight leash on this troublesome fruit!

Towards the middle of the mountain, he switched back to human form and paced towards the entrance briskly. Without any tokens, none would be admitted. It was strictly no entry and there was a barrier that even his level of cultivation could not get in. Just as he was wondering at the jagged mouth of the cave in the middle of Mount Tai, he sensed a familiar presence.

"Psst, come over here," someone tugged at him from the shadows. He FeiQuan saw it was a uniformed official that worked within the court. The official presented a token for He FeiQuan to enter the Court of Rebirth. He was then gruffly pulled towards a hall with a large pool.

He looked at the old gnarly lady in front of a pot, passing bowls to the long queue in front of her. He heard her repeatedly saying "drink this Bowl of Oblivion and restart your life." More of Less that was the gist from what he could lip read at the distance. To some of the beings, she was kinder and patted them sympathetically with extra words, some she looked at them dispassionately and almost seeming to push them into the pool. Most queuing up would look fearful, to lose your memories and restart, was scary to most. There were some who looked relieved, happy to shed the past and restart with a clean slate.

After drinking the bowl of oblivion, the different expressions that they had displayed, became expressionless and remotely walked into the pool like they were programmed. The pool was like a dark abyss, with black soft waves like arms pulling people in, and every time someone plopped inside, it gave a whirl.

There was another tug and He FeiQuan looked away from the pool and at the person pulling him, knowing it was LiHua impersonating an official, he made himself pliant to be pulled away to behind a pillar.

"You came so late! This you hold on, this you give to DaShu, I stole it from the mountain," LiHua pulled at her Amulet of Disguise and stuffed it together with her sky-blue pouch to He FeiQuan, and the person who was forced upon receiving, looked at the small bag and another fruit that looked suspiciously like the mythical fruit of immortality.

He protested and wanted to hand the hot potatoes back when LiHua sudden move. What she did strike terror to his poor heart, cursing himself the misfortune to befriend this fruit. LiHua without any ado or gave He FeiQuan any sense of preparation, went over the ominous inky pool and turned to his direction and jumped. He stood there in aghast, there were cries from other officials and goddess MengPo herself to stop the intruder.

He FeiQuan was grabbed by others, whom he did not know, he felt himself shaking or was it something in the bundle that was shaking, then he seemed to hear a roar, whether that was really a voice or that was his heart beating, he could not discern too. He was oblivious to his surrounding as he concentrated to picture what LiHua seemed to mouth to him before she jumped, "Find me"

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