Sachus was not in a hurry to answer the question. Instead, he looked deeply at songjia. Then, he pointed at the wine bottle on the table and said, "Can I have another drink?"
"Help yourself."
Hearing this, Sachus picked up the wine bottle again. This time, he did not pour it into the wine glass. Instead, he drank up the remaining half of the bottle in one go. It seemed that only through the tipsiness of the wine could he have the courage to tell the story of the past.
"I am a native of Greenland, half Inuit and half Danish. So every year, I would return to my father's tribe to stay for a period of time. I also hunted fish with them. Many Inuit people live on the ice field, so they are very good at dealing with the bad weather and the environment on the ice field. At that time, I did not like reading, but I was very interested in things like hunting.
This is the end of Part One, and download Webnovel app to continue: