Feng Zi said nothing when Zhang Heng showed up. The first thing she did was make him drink two pints of beer. Fortunately, Zhang Heng was used to chugging rum when he was in the Black Sail dungeon. It was mainly because of the lack of clean water on the ship after spending a long time at sea. Rum was alcohol, after all, and it could be stored longer in the barrel. Drinking two pints of beer would not affect Zhang Heng.
Despite his high tolerance, Zhang Heng did not forget that he was still in a dangerous situation and that there was a mission that needed to be completed. Still oblivious to the exact location of the emergency response team, Zhang Heng did not continue drinking after the two pints.
Feng Zi frowned, looking very disappointed.
"You are not as poetic as you seem."
"Why do you say that?"
This is the end of Part One, and download Webnovel app to continue: