
The last volley of attacks severely damaged the Swordfish. However, it gave the Jackdaw an opportunity to change directions. This avoided the Swordfish from being attacked continuously. 

The cannon's shutters on one side of the Jackdaw were ajar. With their gunners in position, and upon Zhang Heng's orders, they finally began returning fire.

After two successful looting trips, the Jackdaw shot to fame in Nassau after killing Wilton's two hundred men in one night–an opportune moment for their recruitment drive.

If Zhang Heng wanted to, he could have quickly recruited two hundred men, the entire ship's complement, in half a day. However, that wouldn't have been too sensible a move. With each addition, the share of the loot that each person would receive would decrease. As opposed to the merits of the quantity he could amass, Zhang Heng cared more about the quality of the sailors they recruited.


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