
Freedom and Liberty (2)

Waking up the next morning I laid next to Rowena who had now embraced her love for me. We still hadn't moved to the next step but cuddling was allowed. Getting up I looked out of the windows to see the knights already walking about all of them walking to the outside of the royal quarters waiting for me.

Readying myself up Helga, Rowena and I closed in on the royal quarters as many of the knights now awoke from the tents that Rowena transfigured. Now in front of the many Knight they waited for orders.

"Doing good Conrad?" I asked.

"I'm doing fine sir just a little groggy that's all from the night before. I believe it would be best if I never undergo such an experience again less I die." Sir Conrad replied rubbing his forehead.

"Come along now we are going to explain our siege battle with the others in the tent at the back. we're going to strategize before we siege the place. Rowena here can teleport of us in. The other ten is waiting for us," I explained walking to the back and seeing the other ten knights along with a map we had drawn from the day before well mostly Rowena.

"Okey boys here is us, in front of the kingdom. Rowena here will be our teleporter and Battlemage. Currently, there are 500 men right. Our battle mage is only able to teleport 100 of us at a time with the use of a mana position and recovery. So we will push in waves I will take the lead as I storm in with 5 of you knights while Conrad and the other 250 knights push from the back. Knowing this type of wizard she will mostly be using Demonic beings to protect her be warned. Our battle mage will only push last after you have killed most of the canon fondler. I want one of you to eventually guide me into their quarters as she will most likely be there with her child... What to do with the child... Our battle mage should be able to come in and help me kill her. Do you hear that? Get ready boys we're going to war!" I Warcried before holding onto my mace tightly before teleporting away the feeling being awesome as 99 soldiers shouted behind me.

"For God!" A knight spouted before rushing in along with the rest of us.

While we sieged through the fortress I wondered what I was going to do with them Morgan Le fay had tortured and killed many people but her son? was just a spoiled brat who wasn't taught a thing by her. I would definitely kill Morgan Le Fay and then probably mind wipe the sons' mind of his mother and any memory associated with her.

That way the kid can have a normal life without him coming back to bite my ass. He was an innocent child but a trashy one at that. Looking I was indeed right as many Demon spawns awaited us their presence already pissing me off. Brandishing my mace I pushed forward My Mace slamming down on every demon as thousands of them rushed us.

Grippin My mace I slammed it on a demon imps skull its body flopping onto the floor like a squished frog as I continued our crusade forward. The knights ducked and parried as the demons rushed us relentlessly. A knight fiercely continued to cause mayhem as his blade continued to cut down the hood of demons he continued to purge forward and not back down even when he was being attacked. I will see to see who he was I thought until seeing it was Conrad bathed dyed in the colour blood dying his armour though his movements seemed rapid... Fast. A bit too fast.

Continuing our onslaught the knights started to tire as their morale slowly started to lower as the demons just kept pushing. I needed to boost it back up. Switching out my normal mace I changed it to Rhitta *Super Slash*. Slashing my blade towards the demons cut them all in half before burning them to cinders. This allowed my group to have breathing room while also boosting their morale.

"Do not falter at the sight of demons cur them down like the dogs they are!" I shouted boosting the morale of my men as they continued to persist as new reinforcement ran in slowly entering the fray. Just the hell did Morgan do to get this many demons.

Slashing away Across I eventually got tired of slashing them and just flew leaving the knights to slaughter the Demon imps. Pulling one of the 11 paladins we made our way to The royal quarters where she was waiting exhausted and tired her body laying next to her son who had fallen asleep.

"I give up," She stated tiredly next to a red orb.

"You have defeated me in only a few moments. Countless years have I spent trying so hard to give my son everything and become the true king of Camelot failed... Over a day. I only request you one thing please spare my son. I cast a spell on him to make him unconscious I do not wish for my son to see my die," She continued dropping the orb cracking it stopping the demons outside as they all shrivelled.

"It's quite sad you know. If you had just taught your son better you would have never been here," I replied before striking her with my mace and adding her soul to the prison of torment. Just because you have my pity doesn't excuse you from all the torture and torment you caused on innocent people. Rowena now arriving saw the now headless corpse rolling on the ground.

"We will spare the child obliviate his mind off his mothers' existence and all-time he spent with her from now he just is another orphan in the great change and make sure to delete the memories and mesh it around. Don't just stuff his memories in the back of his mind we don't need another problem in the future when it resurfaces," I commanded before looking into my soul and see the husk of Morgan le Fay. She had indeed already given up and when her soul entered my prison she gave up instantly.

"Come on Rewena lets go check up on the knights hopefully casualties are not high. We also need to free the elves where ever she is," I stated before walking with her to the knights.

" Sir Conrad whats the status report what are the casualties?" I asked.

"Well no one died sir but 125 of us have injured ranging from minor to severe sir I believe some of us will need to go see a doctor," He reported.

"Hmm don't worry group up near the outside and one of you go fetch the brat inside don't worry we removed memories of his mother he is just another child now. Send him to an orphanage I'm currently not in the mood to look after children after all I'm still young!" I shouted with vigour.

"So Rewena Do you sense any mana signatures similar to an elf anywhere?" I asked.

"Yes but there down near a cellar," She responded.

"Hmm okay let's go," I ordered before going down the cellar to see the elves.

Gonna take a little break from uploading but will keep writing. Creation is hard, cheer me up!

GodofTruthcreators' thoughts
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