
Chapter 55: I am Treacher King.

Naruto said this and lunged at Kurenai Yūhi.

He opened his arms and embraced her.

Kurenai Yūhi didn't move, but thought Naruto was really touched and embraced him with his arms folded behind his back.

He had a kind smile on his face.

Naruto holds Kurenai Yūhi tightly, but now he is facing Iruka's direction, and Kurenai Yūhi cannot see his head or the expression on his face at all.

Naruto smiles at Iruka and raises one of his hands slightly in a "Y" gesture, holding Kurenai Yūhi's body.

Iruka's expression was very funny, he was stunned and didn't react at all.

He now only felt that Naruto was too powerful, too awesome, too awesome for words.

He couldn't say anything at all.

This ability of Naruto's, he now just felt ashamed, too powerful.

Since the food was quickly served, Naruto was able to sit up on Kurenai Yūhi's body with great reluctance.

Sitting on the tatami mat, he ate the delicious food with chopsticks.

It was true that the most expensive food tasted the best, and although the style of the food was simple, however, the taste in my mouth was delicious.

The taste of the food in my mouth was delicious.

It was so delicious that Naruto gobbled it up.

Kurenai Yūhi looked at Naruto as he was eating, smiled a little, and with a sweet smile, he took his chopsticks and helped Naruto to eat, and said gently

" Eat slowly. "

Naruto smiled, but of course he wouldn't be shy. While quickly cooking the food, he said with a cute smile to Kurenai Yūhi

At the same time, he smiled at Kurenai Yūhi with a cute smile and said

" Thank you sister. "

Naruto that smile, that killer really hit, at least Kurenai Yūhi that smile on her face didn't stop for a second.

Well a beautiful flower, always blooming with her charm.

Iruka ate his food sullenly, feeling a bit like a light bulb at this point.

If it wasn't for the fact that he had to pay, he probably would have left.

The final meal took half an hour to finish.

Of course, Iruka got ripped off, even though Kurenai Yūhi was ready to pay.

Iruka rushes over and pays before Kurenai Yūhi does.

Naruto's admiration for him is now so great that it's nothing more than a little money.

When Iruka finished paying, Naruto hiccupped, walked up to him, nodded his head, and whispered to him, "Iruka's payment is nothing.

" Teacher, you sure have a future, remember to pay before you eat with girls in the future so that you show your charm. "

Iruka, bright-eyed and a bit excited, said

" Really. Is the teacher attractive now. "

Naruto looked him up and down a few times, feeling that this was not the time to undermine his confidence. All Naruto had to do was turn and look elsewhere, saying with a mixed heart

" It's charming. "

Although I don't know why Naruto couldn't look at him, Iruka laughed at Naruto's remark.

He was smiling like he was daydreaming.

Naruto shook his head at Iruka's smirk, but how could a girl fall in love with him like that?

However, it's none of his business, now that he's had his dinner, he's had enough fun, he should go home and sleep it off.

Naruto left Iruka, walked straight to Kurenai Yūhi's, put on a cute smile and said

" Beautiful sister, this is so thank you so much. "

Kurenai Yūhi, not expecting Naruto to be so good-natured, immediately smiled and replied

" No, Naruto brother, if you still want to eat later, I can buy you, no matter how many times. "

Naruto's eyes lit up and he was happy however to have another "open-ended meal ticket".

Looking at Kurenai Yūhi's red pupils, he said excitedly

" Sister, keep your word. "

Kurenai Yūhi smiled, showed a mouthful of white teeth, touched Naruto's head, and said amusedly

" Of course, my brother can come whenever he wants. "

Naruto chuckled and said

" Well then, sister, we have a deal. "

Naruto turned his head and left the restaurant, afraid that if he continued, he would burst out laughing.

Kurenai Yūhi shook her head at Naruto's figure and smiled sadly.

She found herself really liking this Naruto, the way an older sister likes her younger brother, of course.

How could such a smart and cute child be a vessel for a demon fox.

" Hey, forget it, these things aren't for me to think about. "

When Naruto came home, his door was still open.

The doorknob was completely missing.

Naruto could only leave the door ajar, but there were no burglars in this era.

Besides, Naruto's place was on the top floor, so no one would come here.

Naruto wasn't too sad about the broken door.

All he wanted to do now was sleep.

Isn't the happiest thing to eat and sleep?

And he had to get up at five tomorrow.

Thinking of Sakura and Sasuke was a headache.

Naruto didn't even take off his clothes, he just threw himself on the bed and fell into a deep sleep.

I need to be refreshed so I can play with Sasuke.

No, I mean...



While Naruto was sleeping, he was woken up by the sound of an alarm clock.

" Bell~~~ "

Naruto couldn't sleep at all with the alarm clock screaming.

Had to crawl up in one hand.

He looked at the door, which was blown open by the wind, and saw the dark outside of the house.

Naruto rubbed his eyes and picked up the alarm clock to see that it was already 5:30 a.m. However, he wasn't in a hurry.

However he wasn't in a hurry, after all Kakashi couldn't be on time, it was an anime story.

Kakashi would definitely be there at the crack of dawn.

That didn't mean he'd be there at dawn either.

If Kakashi was hiding somewhere, maybe he was checking.

He didn't want to leave a bad taste in his mouth.

He'd be spending time with Kakashi for a while. Being a good student was the most fun.

In front of a somewhat sleepy Naruto, he put on his shoes.

After washing up, we're off.

Since the clothes are not off either, no need to change, which does leave a major problem.

Walking to the door, he looked around at the houses.

Naruto's eyes glazed over, takes control of the chakra and jumps over towards the outside of the Village.

With one foot on the roof of a building, he stepped on a tile and lightly ascended, jumping away without destroying the tile.

There was no stopping on the way.

Feeling the fierce wind blowing by his side, Naruto shivered.

The wind was too cold in the morning to be skipping like this.

However, it would be too slow to walk without it.

Naruto had to endure the chill of the wind on his face.

He made his way over to the place Kakashi had explained.

While making his way there, he didn't call out to the Strongest System.

There was nothing to do anyway, so why not see what the first pitfall quest was and prepare yourself early.


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