
Chapter 34

A sigh.

No surprise it came from Shino.

She was still in her seat. Hadn't moved at all. She was leaned forward, arm on her knees and chin in hands. She was paying close attention to every fight. Every move. Katsuki's match went pretty much the same as it did in the anime. Shino wanted to hit him for behaving as he did. She withheld herself, knowing that Katsuki wasn't all that bad and tried to end the match as soon as possible as to not hurt Uraraka anymore than he needed to. Despite what others may think a heart can be found in that chest of his. A beating healthy heart. Tokoyami won his fight against Iida. Iida gave him some trouble. He was never in one place and continuously running around. She understood that it was to make it hard for Tokoyami to actually attack him. But alas he lost and took it like good sportsman. The fight between Akio and Daichi. Now that. That was something that got Shino way too excited. She was curious as to who would win. She already had so many theories and outcomes to the fight by the time they entered to arena.

She used all knowledge she had on both boys. Daichi could teleport. That's basic. Shino actually let herself look further into is info while ignoring anything personal. She learned that Daichi was pretty skilled in hand to hand combat. He also has really high agility and reflexes. He may not look much and the way he acts might make others think that he isn't that smart. Looks can be deceiving.

Now Akio. Akio was the calm and collected kind. Obviously he is skilled in wielding various melee weapons. His hand to hand was on par with Daichi. An intense close combat will be interesting to watch. He's skilled at wielding any melee weapons, which make a lot of sense. Akio, as Shino suspected, had enhanced strenght. It wasn't a boost that came with his quirk. He must have trained very hard to achieve such strength. He could be as strong as Katsuki and Izuku. And those two are incredibly strong from training alone. Coupled with that he also shows incredible speed the would come in handy when faced with Daichi.

Who would win?

The first blow was thrown by Daichi. His teleportation speed had increased during the time he spent training. He appeared right above Akio arranged and ready for a drop kick. It looked as if the kick would land. But despite Daichi's speed the kick didn't land. Akio was faster and blocked the attack with a transformed staff.

Distance was made immediately. Daichi knew better than to be anywhere near Akio when he pulls out a weapon.

The two boys stood a few feet apart for some time. Each were eyeing the other mindfully. The air between them was tense and everything was quiet.

With an experienced twirl the staff was gone and replaced by knuckle brasses.

With out any warning what so ever Akio was no longer in his original position. His speed was impressive. Even Shino was shocked. She wasn't expecting such level of momentum.

Daichi was fast enough to bolt out of the way of what would have no doubt been a very painful blow to the chest. It hadn't even been five seconds before he was swerving through an abundance of swings aimed at him. His movements were smooth and natural as if such movements were things he did on the daily. Each blow was evaded, blocked countered. He wasn't being pushed back, but he wasn't overpowering Akio either. All the while he had a massive smile on his face

"Tagawa is fast"

"No kidding. Are you seeing how fast Kotoge is throwing these punches? How can he actually keep up? "

Shino was quiet, ignoring her fellow classmates for the most part. It's obvious the boys have equal speed. At least it is to Shino.

Daichi decided to finally throw a punch of his own. He smoothly side stepped one of Akio's strikes and aimed one at his stomach so fast it was almost a blur. Momentum builds force, so even though Daichi is weaker than Akio his punch could actually do some damage. The blow didn't connect and Daichi had to duck a high kick and roll out of the trajectory of an incoming fist.

"It's going to be a draw" Shino said simply as the fight ranged on. Every move and factor was calculated in her head with multiple possible conclusions. The longer the calculations went on the more the conclusions decreased until there was just one outcome.

"Seriously? " Kirishima looked a bit skeptical. "Why do you think so? "

Shino stapled her fingers and rested her chin on her hands again.

"I've calculated the outcome. At first there were over fifty. Now it's just one"

"Fifty? Fifty outcomes for this match? "

"That doesn't give us much insight"

"They're both fast. They're equals when it comes to speed and hand to hand combat. Kotoge surpaces Tagawa in terms of strength but that is an obstacle Tagawa can overcome with his impressive use of speed. He knows how to use his way of teleporting in a fight with someone like Kotoge, making sure to appear in blind spots. Even so Kotoge has incredible control of his body and a fast enough to counter this. I can go on, but it will be unnecessary. The boys are just equal"

"You got all that from just one minute of the fight? " Kaminari looked flabbergasted.


"You really are a genius"

Shino chuckled a bit bashfully. "Thanks"

As Shino predicted the fight ended in a tie. None of them could end the battle before the time limit. So they had to decide what to do. What would be the tie breaker.

"Oddly enough the boys have chosen a simple game of rock paper scissor "

Midnight commented.

Everyone adopted blank stares at their answer. They were betting on chance? They could have raced. Done push ups. Arm wrestled. But they choose rock paper scissors.

"Of all the things " Momo sighed.

"So this is all down to luck? "

"Appears so Kaminari"

"Any commentary on this Shino? "

Shino shrugged at Sora's question and leaned back in her seat.

"If they had picked a race Tagawa would have won. If it was an arm wrestle or anything strenght related Akio would have won. They both know that so they chose something that wouldn't depend on their skill. Like this both had a fair chance of winning and would except any outcome with no complaints " Shino explained. "They're pretty good friends after all"

Everyone was tense as the two started the game. It was two out of three. This game would decide the victor. Everyone was silent and waiting with bated breath.

Rock. Paper. Scissors. Shoot!

Rock eliminates scissors. Daichi gets the the round. There was a quirk little victory dance to celebrate his first win.

Rock. Paper. Scissors. Shoot!

Paper on paper. A tie. What a shame.

Rock. Paper. Scissors. Shoot!

Scissors on paper. Victory goes to Akio, who allowed himself a small smile in his victory.

The points were even. One on one. The boys were very serious now. This is it. Two out of three. One more throw.

Rock. Paper. Scissors. Shoot!

Rock against paper. Daichi looked betrayed by his own hand and sighed as he allowed Akio his win. He smiled as bright as usual and offered a hand as a show of good sportsmanship.

"And there you have it folks! The victor from class 1A, Kotoge Akio! "

The crowd erupted in cheers despite the way the match was decided. People really feed off this stuff. All of this excitement and hype over a school event. It really goes to show how high UA is on the prestige chain.

This brings up a question. They attend the school to be future heroes. They would be trained by some of the best in the business. Taught everything they needed to know to become respectable heroes of society. They wield a costume and mask to hide their identity. To give them some sort of privacy and protect them and those they're close to.

So why is the school hosting a school event on live television and revealing the names of every single student?

This is something that happens every year and everyone attends it. There is so much mystery about the heroes. About their identities. Especially that of All Might. He attended UA as did most successful heroes. So how is it that no one knows their names when they were also broadcasted live for millions of people to see?

It makes zero sense at all.

Are people forgetting about this? Do they ignore it? Is it not important?

Shino had questions and she wanted answer to them.

Her eyes drifted through the crowd. Specifically the heroes. She had not seen her parents since the beginning of the day. They said they would be attending so they couldn't be on a mission. Or maybe they had an emergency mission to attend to? Who knew?

She breezed through most of them. Not paying any mind until she caught sight of spiky silver hair and a sleek black and gold suit. She had spotted her father. He was in a conversation with some other hero. Her mother was nearby also in discussion. Her blue and black suit catching Shino's eyes.

So they did attend. To bad she didn't find them during the lunch break. She was sure her father would pat her hard on the back and cheer her on. Her mother would offer calm support as she kept her overactive father under control.

Shino was glad they were there. They would get to see her win the competition in person.

"Who's up next? "

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