
Tenkaichi Budoukai Finals!

Yozu stood near the entrance watching Goku fighting earnestly against Namu, he was quite surprised to see this man suppressing Goku. Yozu caresses his chin wondering if he overestimated Goku until the last moment Goku stood up as he held his throat coughing with his face bright red. Yozu shook his head as he felt Goku still had a long way to go, but everyone else was surprised out their souls to see Goku taking that hit head-on and still managed to stand up.

"There is no way anyone could stand up after taking that attack!" Namu yelled out while Goku ignored him while moving his neck around, "That really hurt you know" Goku pouted as he suddenly show off a goofy grin on his face before he left an afterimage running in speed Namu could not keep up with his eyes, Namu closed his eyes too focused but suddenly he felt confused so he opened his eyes only to see Goku stand in front of him.

Namu felt confused why the boy did not attack him "Why did you not attacked?" Goku looked at Namu with sympathy "When you closed your eyes you reminded me of the time I had constipation, it really was painful when I tried to poop but it did not want to come out. So I did not want to hurt you" Hearing Goku's words everyone was floored while Namu blushed to feel completely embarrassed at what this boy just said, it was like Goku said him closing his eyes looked like he had constipation.

Namu shivered in anger as he a devoted believer of Buddhism should always strive for calmness, soon he regained his calmness but Goku used ample strength enough to launch his fist into Namu's gut before Namu was sent flying out of the arena. The people were shocked before they all began to cheer for Goku, first, he made a joke of the man before punching him out of the ring. "The Winner is GOKU!" The Young man announced, Goku felt confused as he was not sure what he did or said wrong but shrugged it off as he was about to face Yozu!

Yozu nodded at Master Roshi before tossing two empty capsules to the old man as he went over to Namu, "What is it?" Namu asked, Master hand over two empty capsules explaining who he was and he knew of Namu's circumstances. Because Master Roshi already lost he left the area silently together with Namu, Yozu smiled wryly before turning his gaze to the entrance where the young presenter was talking about the finals, making everyone become more and more excited.

"Can I ask for the two finalists to step forward to the ring!" The young presenter calls out for Yozu and Goku, "I will win" Goku spoke happily while Yozu smiled and said nothing. He knew it will be pointless to talk about winning and losing, Yozu took his stance at one side and Goku took his on the other. "We are proud to present the Finals of Tenkaichi Budoukai! The Finalist is Yozu Brief against Son Goku!" The people began to cheer loudly as the presenter went off the arena as he announced: "LET THE MATCH BEGIN!"

Goku giggled as he leaves behind an afterimage, Yozu shook his head as he grabs Goku's shin as he attempted to kick Yozu from behind. Holding Goku's shin firmly Yozu swings him over his shoulder slamming Goku's back into the arena causing a single tile to snap in halves under the sheer force of the throw. Goku screamed as he felt the wind left his lungs as he began to wheeze while trying to catch his breath, feeling the pain he was a bit angry at Yozu for hurting him this badly.

"Stand up Goku" Yozu spoke as he watched his little junior brother standing up before the two of them began to exchange moves, Yozu could sense this boy was similar to him improving during combat. 'Battle Enthusiast huh?' Yozu smirked as he redirects Goku's right-hand punch further to the left missing him as he slams his own right fist into Goku's gut. But this time Goku managed to endure as he kicks at Yozu with his left leg, Yozu grab Goku's left knee to stop the kick before he spins with Goku in his grasp before releasing the monkey boy to fly away.

"KA" Goku cup his hands together as a tiny light blue coloured sphere materialize, "MEHA" Goku could feel his energy was surging to his arms, "ME-----" Just as Goku was about to start diving downwards he thrusts his palm outwards "HA!!!!" Goku screamed as he unleashed a Ki beam launching him backwards the Arena, but Yozu waved his hand coated with strong dragon Ki as he unleashed a strong gust of winds that stopped Goku's return flight only to crash land out the arena.

Everyone was silent, first, they saw one man shooting out beams from his hands and the other waved his hand causing a gust of winds? Are we watching Mortal Combat or Battle of the Gods? The people were shocked out of their bodies seeing this, but the Presenter jumps onto the stage "AND WE HAVE A WINNER!" Hearing the presenters voice everyone snapped out of their stupor looking at Yozu with Awe and a little fear out of respect, "But let us not forget the young twelve-year-old Goku who fought valiantly up till the finals!"

The people began to cheer while clapping for Yozu and Goku who stood face to face on the arena "I lost, but next time I will win!" Goku grinned happily as he enjoyed the fight, Yozu caresses Goku's head before turning to bow towards the people who was cheering for them. "Let's give it up for Yozu Brief!" The Presenter stood next to Yozu raising his left hand into the air prompting the people to cheer louder as the Presenter takes out an envelope "Here is the prize money" Yozu thanked the man as he leaves the arena.

"Congratulations!" Krillin spoke out with a smile bowing towards Yozu, "You are strong but I will become stronger in the future!" Goku giggled as Yozu nodded with a smile "You two have potential, you best keep training no matter how tough things get. Only those who preserve in their training will grasp the power within themselves" Yozu spoke to the two of them before they left together where Bulma, Yamcha, Oolong, Pueru and Master Roshi was waiting for them.

"Yozu!" Bulma smiled warmly as she went over to Yozu but unlike the times she would cling onto him, this time she was reserved as she held onto his hand. Yozu was surprised as this change, seeing Bulma acting reserved was another side he came to like about her. "How about I treat everyone to a meal?" Yozu asked the moment they all heard Goku's stomach roaring like a gigantic monster. Everyone began to laugh at Goku who blushed shyly while rubbing his tummy.

They went out together in Bulma's car to the nearest eat as much as you can restaurant, Yozu thought it would be better to go to this restaurant as he heard about Goku who ate quite an amazing amount of food before the tournament started. Yozu leaned backwards listening to Master Roshi and Oolong talk about perverted topics mostly related to what happened today, Goku was being excited talking about Jackie Chun while Krillin and Yamcha were looking at Master Roshi who blushed.

'This is quite nice' Yozu thought as he rests his palm on Bulma's thigh, Bulma blushed a bit as she sneakily glances at Yozu who had his eyes closed relaxing in this cheerful atmosphere. 'I will have to see tonight if he remembers his past life or not' Bulma thought about plans for tonight before blushing, 'I- It's a reward! Yes!' She convinced herself to carry on with the idea she came up with. Roshi and Oolong glanced at Yozu with envy when they realized just where his hand was resting, 'Lucky bastard' the two of them thought

When everyone went into the restaurant to take a seat on the round table, "This is a self-service restaurant, the plates and everything is provided" The Staff member explained a few more things before leaving, Yozu and Goku both went to stack their plates although Yozu ended up stacking up some more. He was not certain why but his hunger tonight was endless, "Are these two really humans?" Krillin asked with an amazed expression, Bulma did not flinch and even had a gaze fill of nostalgia as she watched Yozu eat.

Later that night Yozu and Goku ate the restaurant empty, feeling a bit bad for doing this Yozu contacted his father to support this restaurant so they can create some rules for other customers while he can enjoy VIP treatment to eat as much as he like every time he comes for a tournament from now on. "You two sure can eat" Oolong spoke with a shocked face, Master Roshi was wiping the sweat off his face when he saw the amount Goku and Yozu ate and he wanted to take them to a different Restaurant that would have cost him more than the reward money!

When Bulma was driving, "So you two going to continue training under Master Roshi?" Yamcha asked while Roshi sweated "Yes!" Krillin and Goku both answered but Master Roshi shook his head "No, I taught you all I can. From here on out, the two of you should go out on a journey to improve yourselves" Hearing his usual excuse both Yozu and Bulma shook their heads, if it was not for the pay and sight of pretty ladies then Master Roshi too would have left within a month after training Yozu.

"Then I will look for grandpa's ball" Goku answered, Yozu leaned back as he thought for a moment and nodded "I will then go with you" Hearing this Goku became extremely excited while Bulma smiled wryly, "What about me darling?" Bulma asked using a flirtatious voice, Yozu smiled as he gently kisses her cheek "I will be back home every second day, I learnt a decent technique. Since I already completed the High school curriculum it will do me better to go out and train my body"

Bulma was not clingy Bulma so she nodded since he said every second day, he would naturally keep his words so she did not doubt him a bit. Since Yozu was going with, Goku did not leave immediately when they stopped for Bulma to bring out her chopper capsule. After dropping off Master Roshi and the rest, Yozu first got his "reward" from Bulma that night.

Next Morning, "You packed?" Yozu asked Goku who nodded, "Take care Mom, Dad" Yozu hugged Pancy and Dr Brief before he turned to hold Bulma's hand, "See you in two days" Yozu whispered in her ear before giving her a kiss on the lips followed by a firm embrace, after saying goodbyes Yozu popped his flying jet capsule. "UWA!" Goku became excited as the two of them enter through the side door, "Let's go!" Yozu smirked as he starts the engine

Had a few disturbances today but here is the chapter... Will be completing my promise on Naruto for now... Take care people!

This noob is going all out!

CompleteNoobcreators' thoughts
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