
Everyday is a fight for survival

Author: No_username
Anime & Comics
Ongoing · 101.9K Views
  • 9 Chs
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Man who doesn’t really understand himself goes on a journey for survival for both himself and those he cares for. *Purely fictional don’t own any of the works or characters *

Chapter 1Beginning

"What to do today"

Here is a man in his late 20's just slouching in his chair with a look of sleepiness on his face. Disheveled hair kinda handsome but looks lazy to the extreme. But if you were to know him you would now he's a man with a story.

"Well let's take a shower first then decide what to do next"

Says as the man walks toward his bathroom and starts slowly undressing himself and turns towards the mirror. Only to see 4 minor scars which 3 were located around his left should while the other one was on his left shoulder. He also has 2 scars which are like a on his abs. Seeing this makes the man slowly remember his past.

He was just a normal man except he never met his parents but he did have a adoptive father who was already old when he got adopted. He lived good throughout his childhood till eventually his father passed away. All he could do was cry over his father passing away but they weren't rich and he didn't really want to stay in school at this point.

So he immediately dropped out he started writing novels which weren't the best but weren't bad so he could still live a good life. Still he didn't settle for that as he still tried to go for the best so he read anything he can get his hands from books, movies, cartoons, manga, comics and, anime all in hopes of getting inspiration to become the best there is in writing books.

By the time time he was 24 his books got very popular making him tons of money which he invested in trying to find his parents. Why? Simple because of his scars the scars he has didn't come from anything in his memory so who else can tell him but his birth parents but after 2 years their is still no sign of them.

After reminiscing of the past he got in the shower which he didn't take long to finish showing and getting out.

"Hahaha now that's refreshing"

He says with a smile as he puts his cloths and sits on his chair near his computer.

"Now I got the perfect story hehehe"

He starts typing on his computer without a care for his surroundings as if what's around him has nothing to do with him. It still like that for 9hours with snack breaks in between before he finally started showing signs of exhaustion.

"Dam this daddy over did it I'm tired now"

Says as he heads towards his bed and jumps on it and grabs his blanket. He gets comfortable and closing his eyes ready to go sleep without knowing what about to him. Without anyone knowing he disappeared from his bed as if he teleported.

On the other hand our protagonist appeared out of a black hole which appeared out of nowhere.


said the man as he jumped from the ground and looked around. Bewildered by what he's seeing one second he falls asleep next he's on what looks like to be a big mansion. He looks towards the house and stares at it while contemplating with a extremely serious face on. His face with great determination lays down on the ground and goes back to sleep.

"Dammit I'm too tired I'll deal with this tomorrow" he mumbles before falling asleep

Next morning we see that man is still sleeping when all of a sudden he wakes up and stands up

"Dam I thought it was all a dream so it's really real"

While he was looking around at his surroundings he feels something within his body that's very warm.

"What is this" he just closes his eyes and let's himself experience this energy inside that feels both gentle and omnipotent. After a few hours of relishing that feeling he starts to feel hungry.

"Now where do I find food I really wished for a steak and this moment" *sigh* and as the man let's out a sigh he feels the energy with in him being used up only a little though compared the amount of energy he has. A steak starts to slowly materialize itself in front of him.

The steak just gently floats in front of himself while the man looks at it with a blank expression. He slowly reaches for it and grabs it from the air and bites into it. Wow it tastes the same as I imagined. After that thought he froze, yea that's exactly what he imagined and appeared in front of him after the energy in his body was used up.

"So is that the energy can create what I imagine interesting" says the man with a smile.

"Now let's see where we are" says the man as he slowly starts walking towards the house.

He walks up to the house and knocks. He waits for a while and hears some foot steps and and hears someone opening the door. When the door opens he sees this girl who looks to be around 13 years old.

"Hello I don't exactly know where I am or how I got here but I was wondering if you could let me stay here for a day"

The girl looked at the boy in suspicion as trying to see his true intentions but didn't think much about because the boy in front of her only looked to be 14 without any evil intentions.

"Come inside"

"Really? Thank you"

She takes him towards the living room and tells one of the maids to get him some water.

"I'll be back and I'm going to get my brother as this is his house"

"Ok no problem"

He waits on the couch till the maid comes back with some water. He just Patiently waits for the girls brother while he drinks some water.

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