
Chapter 276 college entrance exam results

Machine Translation

His son and his family watched as he turned on his computer. They did not bother to ask what he was searching for.

Teacher Hu took out his phone and reread the text message Shuishui had sent him. In it were her admission number and password.

"I'm checking the website to see if my student passed. You can check the website by yourself." Teacher Hu nervously keyed in Shuishui's admission number and password.

The first time he typed the codes, he was notified that there was an error. He became anxious. He typed in her number and password again. He clicked to confirm and saw the results. He scrolled down. Meanwhile, his son was also viewing the website to check if Xiao Jie had passed. Teacher Hu's son said, "You got 552, not bad."

Hu Wei was quite happy because that meant Xiao Jie would qualify for an undergraduate program. He said, "Dad, Xiao Jie's score is not bad."

He looked at his father who had been staring at the computer. He walked behind his father and looked at the computer. "720 points. Whose score is that?" he asked his old father.

Shuishui's total score was 750 points. Teacher Hu remembered that the top scorer in the arts and science subjects received only a little over 700 points.

"This is my student's score. It's too surprising." Teacher Hu did not expect Shuishui to receive such a good score. It was clear then that Shuishui would not need to attend third year high school because she could just go straight to university. She got full marks in mathematics and science, with a score of 150 and 300, respectively. She earned 125 points in Chinese and 145 points in English. It was a very high score. Shuishui felt that her score in the Chinese composition dragged her down. Her score in English was really good, although it was actually quite difficult to get a perfect score in the English test.

"She has always been an outstanding student, but I didn't expect her to get such a high score." Shuishui's performance showed that she was a capable person.

Hu Wei felt a bit embarrassed that Xiao Jie got 552 points. The gap was huge. For a moment, he didn't know how to say it. Meanwhile, Hu Wei's wife, Qingqing, had no idea what the fuss was about and happily walked over to them. "Dad, Xiao Jie's score was good. She can go to a few universities in Beijing, right?"

"You guys can decide for yourselves." Teacher Hu was still staring at the results. He called his friend to confirm the highest score in science.

A few minutes later, Teacher Hu's face was glowing. "My student did really well. I'm going to go to the school to pick up my student. I want to see what she thinks, and then I'll take her out for lunch. What about you guys?"

Teacher Hu made it clear that he did not want to eat at home for lunch. He wanted to go out for lunch with his student.

Hu Wei was curious about his dad's student and felt that must really be outstanding. "Then let's go together. That way, we'll get to meet what Dad's student is like."

Teacher Hu nodded. "All right. You guys wait for me at the restaurant first. I'll go pick up the child first. I'll get the driver to come over. You can go ahead."

Teacher Hu called his driver. After a while, the driver arrived and accompanied Teacher Hu to Shuishui's school. Teacher Hu sent Shuishui a text message, asking her to get out at noon.

Teacher Hu had not yet told Shuishui her score. He only said, "It's all right. I'll talk to you about it at noon. See if you can apply for leave today. If you can't, I'll just take you out for lunch."

When Shuishui saw the message, she went to her teacher and asked if she could be absent that afternoon. The teacher knew that Shuishui's family situation was a little complicated. She knew that her father was lying in the hospital, so she approved the leave very quickly. Shuishui was a little nervous. She said goodbye to He Xiaoying and her other classmates and walked out in large strides. Teacher Hu's car was already waiting outside. She got into the car and asked, "Teacher, how did I do in the test?"

Teacher Hu was smiling. "What do you think?"

"I think I did fairly well." She was very confident because she had nothing to fear. She was confident in her own skills and abilities, and she was confident that she had written down the correct answers.

Teacher Hu laughed. "You are very confident, and you do have the right to be confident. Keep that confidence. I came to pick you up today because I wanted to tell you about your score. It's something we should be celebrating. However, I have a question. Do you plan to proceed to third year of high school? Or do you want to go to college directly?" he asked. He also wanted to know what Shuishui thought about it.

"Of course I will go to college directly. That will save me a year of studying in high school," Shuishui said in a determined tone.

Teacher Hu laughed in amusement. "All right, all right. I'll see which schools you can apply to. Basically, you can choose any university you want. Your score is so high. I think you are the top scorer in science." Teacher Hu was also very hopeful.

"I got really lucky." Shuishui was very happy that she made it. She would be able to skip one year in high school, and she would enjoy more freedom in college. She was happy to experience high school again, but she wasn't very happy with all the rules and regulations she had to follow.

Teacher Hu was also very happy. "You told me before that there were a few universities that you had considered. Which ones were those?"

Shuishui had been planning on it for a long time. "Beijing University of Science and Technology."

"That is a very good university. It's one of the top universities in the country, but competition is stiff. However, with the score you got, I'm quite sure admission won't be difficult for you. Did you ask permission to be absent this afternoon?" Teacher Hu asked.

Shuishui smiled faintly and nodded. "I've already applied for leave."

"En, that's good. I'll send you back home tonight. First, we have to process your university application. Then, you can tell me about your other plans." Looking at Shuishui, Teacher Hu was stunned. "It's also time for me to introduce you to your senior brothers and sisters. They have always been curious about what kind of person you are."

"En, en. Teacher, can you relay the news to Teacher Li? Teacher Li has always hoped that I can enter a military academy. To be honest, I'm not against it. However, I also have goals of my own. I won't achieve my goals if I enter a military academy." She did not know how to tell Teacher Li. She knew he would be disappointed, but she had no choice. She had to stick to her goals.

"Don't worry. Knowing him, I am sure that he won't force you to change your mind since you've already made your decision. Just stick to your plan. No need to think too much about what others think. I am also getting old, and you've been studying with me for almost two years. I've watched you grow up in that short amount of time. The only thing that hasn't changed is your persistent heart. To me, you're just like my child. I was really happy back when we were still in City A. During the holidays, you came to visit me and thought of me. When I was sick, you took care of me." Teacher Hu's voice suddenly cracked, and he sobbed softly.

Shuishui held Teacher Hu's hand. "Teacher, there's no need to say anything more. I have always treated you as my beloved elder. You have done so many things for me. Both you and Teacher Li helped me after my father's accident. You hired a lawyer and helped me find the people responsible for what happened. In many aspects, I know that you are a sincere person, so I am willing to show filial piety to you."

"You are so mature at such a young age. Anyway, later, you will meet my eldest son. He and his family arrived at my house this morning, so I agreed that they can eat with us. You don't have to worry. He's a good person. Tonight, I'll ask Teacher Li to come to my house. I'll help you talk to him about this matter." He informed Shuishui in advance. He knew they wouldn't be able to discuss a lot of things because his eldest son and his family would be there as well.

"It's my first time meeting your family, Teacher. I'm fine with it. Anyway, Teacher Hu, since I can now proceed to college, I will have more free time on my hands. If you want to go somewhere and need someone to accompany you, Teacher, you can call me anytime."

Teacher Hu laughed. "You child. You'll surely find it boring to accompany an old man like me. Because of my age, it's inconvenient for me to move around. I don't really walk around. I usually just visit my friends or neighbors once in a while. Let your boyfriend come over for dinner tonight. I've only met him once or twice, so we didn't have much to talk about. I still need to know him better. You're about to go to university in spite of your young age. However, being in a relationship is not a big deal. Besides, you guys have been together for more than a year." Teacher Hu wasn't really happy that Shuishui was already in a relationship. Fortunately, being in a relationship didn't affect Shuishui's performance, and he didn't say anything about it. However, he felt like he had to know her boyfriend better and see if he would be good for Shuishui. After all, Shuishui's father was still in the hospital.

Shuishui nodded "Okay. I'll call him after lunch. Our relationship is actually very simple. We're still young, and no one knows what the future holds. We're not married yet. It's unpredictable. However, with my teachers around, I am sure I will be all right. Your love and concern for me, and more importantly, your teachings, have been deeply imprinted in my mind."

"Good child, don't worry. With us around, you will definitely have a good home in the future," Teacher Hu said confidently. He patted his chest proudly. He was happy that he had connections. He was determined to find Shuishui a happy relationship with a deserving life partner.

"Uh, Teacher, that's not what I meant. Let's not talk about it anymore. Teacher, is your leg better?" She was embarrassed To her, a relationship was not necessary. Perhaps if she really broke up with Mu Ziyu in the future, she might not necessarily find another man. She had to leave such things to fate.

"Are you embarrassed?" Teacher Hu stopped talking. He tapped his forehead and continued, "Aiyo, why did I remember just now? I've forgotten to tell you this in the past months. Speaking of my legs, someone asked me where I bought my wheelchair, and he wanted it too. I told him that my student made it for me. They were all very envious. Another one said that he wanted to buy exclusive rights to your creation process and have the design patented. I couldn't dismantle it for him, and I couldn't tell him too much. What do you think?"

"I can sell it. It doesn't matter. It will help a lot of people." Shuishui was willing to earn money for her creations.

"All right, all right. I will tell him when the time comes." It was a simple matter. Teacher Hu would communicate with the student again and inform him about it.

Shuishui shrugged. "Teacher, maybe you can talk to him. I won't introduce myself. After all, I am still young. If they find out about me, it might cause some problems."

Teacher Hu nodded. "All right. I will help you settle it. I will try my best to help you obtain the highest benefits." He knew what Shuishui meant. She just didn't want to attract too much attention. He thought the same. A tree attracts the wind. Shuishui was young, so it wouldn't be wise for to engage in such negotiations. She would slowly reveal her skills and knowledge in the future. Until then, she had to lay low.

When they arrived at the restaurant, Shuishui held on to Teacher Hu's arm and helped him into the restaurant. "Teacher, I want to eat roast duck."

"All right, all right. You can order whatever you want if it makes you happy." Teacher Hu chuckled. He knew how much Shuishui loved to eat. He found it strange why she never seemed to gain weight. He believed that girls should be bit more plump and healthy. He wanted Shuishui to eat to her heart's content because she looked quite skinny. "Old Li has been training you for a while now, but why don't you look stronger? You're getting thinner!" he said.

"Teacher, I'm not skinnier. I'm just fitter." Shuishui had never lost weight, but she hadn't gained much either. She was quite tall for her age and weighed a hundred pounds. However, her weight had never been an issue for her.

However, she found it strange. She ate a lot, but her weight wouldn't increase. Sometimes, it would decrease.

"We'll go up to the third floor," Teacher Hu said.

Shuishui pressed the button for the third floor and supported Teacher Hu all the way to the private room.

When they arrived at the private room, Teacher Hu's eldest son, his wife, and his daughter were already there. "Hello, Uncle and Auntie," Shuishui said politely.

Hu Wei saw that the girl was very young. He guessed that she was about the same age as his daughter since they had both taken the college entrance examination. "Your name's Shuishui, right? I've heard about you from Dad. Dad, you guys sit down first. I'll call the waiter so we can order."

Shuishui helped Teacher Hu to sit down. She sat down beside him.

The waiter brought the menu over. Teacher Hu looked at the menu and handed it to Shuishui. "Here. You can order whatever you want to eat," he said.

Shuishui wasn't shy at all. She laughed and said, "I really want to eat a lot." She directly called the waiter over and ordered the dishes she wanted to eat. "Sweet and sour pork, roast duck, and garlic buttered baby potatoes."

She only ordered what she wanted to eat.

"Don't serve sweet and sour ridges or sweet and sour fish. My teacher's teeth aren't good, so the ridges might be a little hard for him," Shuishui told the waiter. She remembered that Teacher Hu recently suffered from a bad toothache.

Teacher Hu smiled. He was actually not someone who was easy to get close to. Out of all his students, Shuishui was the only one whom he was very fond of. He doted on her because she was very attentive. She even knew about his physical condition and would constantly worry about his health. The wheelchair she made for him was proof that she truly cared. He was really touched. During the holidays, Shuishui would thoughtfully send him gifts. She would even accompany him to the doctor. She was simply a wonderful child.

Teacher Hu doted on Shuishui because she was generally a nice and considerate person. It was rare for a young child to treat him like an elder. He felt like it was a blessing that he had cultivated from his past life.

Hu Wei felt that his father doted on Shuishui very much. "Shuishui, you are studying how to play the erhu?" he asked.

"Yes, Uncle." Shuishui nodded.

"How long have you been playing it?" Hu Wei continued to ask.

"Almost two years. Barely two years, I mean," she said. It was actually quite a long time.

Qingqing looked at Shuishui. She was not a member of the Hu family, but it was clear that her father-in-law doted on her. It made her feel a little uncomfortable. "Shuishui, Father likes you very much. Today, I we saw your score in the college entrance examination. We were very excited," she said.

Unintentionally, Shuishui said, "Yes, Teacher Hu has always doted on me. I am happy that my good grades make him happy."

Hu Wei and his family found her statement quite arrogant.

Teacher Hu reached out and touched Shuishui's forehead. "You're really something else. You really make me very happy! I've already asked my friends to investigate about your score. When they get the confirmation, I will arrange a banquet for you. We will celebrate this achievement."

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