
A shadow guard member

Although Ray's dragon eyes didn't work, he could sense the powerful aura coming off the old man and it seemed like Noir could as well. Rather than rush in for an attack, he decided to proceed carefully. It seemed like the man was alone and there wasn't many who Ray was unable to face on his own.

Van was now visibly shaking, while the other students were confused. Van had a feeling something like this would happen once he had used his powers. It always did.

"What do you want with him?" Bliss said, standing in front of Van.

"Young lady, this man has come onto our doorstep of the shadow continent, now that he is on my property, I have the right to take what I want don't you think?"

Professor Springett then drew her sword. Judging by the man's words he was from the shadow continent meaning he worked for the other side.

It was as Ray had suspected, the Shadows goal this whole time was Van.

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