
A Dinner With A Twist | Chapter 4

(A/P) Magic is real! No longer a fairy-tale for me.


The family walks in while giving me glares. My foster parents welcomes them and invite them to the dinner table. They all sat at the table while I'm in the living room listening into the conversation.

"I'm so sorry that my child has caused harmed to yours." My foster mom said.

"Not forgotten and not forgiven. It's unacceptable that a child like yours would dare lay a finger on my child." The mom spoke up.

"You should sent her to boarding school, they'll teach her lessons about hurting people!" The dad bellowed.

I stood up from the couch and ran upstairs to my room and slammed my door shut.

I locked the door. Next thing I knew was that my owl had come back--she was on my bed. But I thought my foster dad had put up metal bars on my window.

I looked at the window to still see the metal bars.

"What the--?!"

I looked back at Hegi. She was definitely too big to fit between the space of the bars; How is that possible?

I put my arm up and she flew to it. After landing, I went back downstairs.

Everybody at the table was having a good time instead of fighting or arguing at the least.

Then my foster dad noticed me and gave me a disgusted look.

"Where the hell did you find a flying rat?! Get rid of it!" He boomed, causing my foster mom to look and the other family.

The girl that I knocked out came up to me and tried to take away my owl.

"You don't deserve that owl after knocking me out cold!" She complains.

She tries again, but this time she goes floating into the air. This shocks me and everybody in the dinning room.

"Witch! I should have known!" My foster dad yelled.

All of them go rushing at me, but floated into the air just like the girl. What the hell is going on?!

Then the front door was knocked down. A big man with long hair and a beard was standing on top of the door.

It was the same guy that Ivory told me. Why is he here?

"You're probably wondering why am I doing here and who am I, but there's no time to explain. You must come with me where it's safe."

He pulls me by the hand and out the door we go. Then he stops in front of an old fashioned scooter. Hegi then flew off my arm and into the dark she goes.

"Hegi, come back!" I shouted.

"Dont worry, you'll see her again." The man replied.

He picks me up and sets me down in the side carrier. Then puts a helmet on my head. He goes around the scooter and hops on. From the large coat he wears, his hand pulls out a wand and waves it over the house.


A tiny light shines on the tip of the wand; then disappears shortly after.

The wand is put back into his coat and we ride off into the dark. The fog came and that's when the scooter starts flying.

"Magic is real." I whispered. Knowing that my whisper won't be heard through the wind while it blasts onto us.

[End of Chapter 4]

(A/N) Click on the next chapter to find out what happens! (If it's posted)

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