
Author Note

I am getting some complaints in the comments about how I made Gldarts personality one of the comments his words " like a brat " but in the anime, Gldarts acts and behaves that way upon learning Cana is his daughter. He is overprotective of her, for example, Gldarts vs august or Gldarts vs God Serena.

Now that over going to Silver

I have made Silver look intentionally weak but he is not the fact he was able to escape from Fairy tail Ace who his skilled fighter and in his prime, not any weaker was outrun by a 7-year-old child with 8 months of training shows how fast Silver really is even if the Guild master was chasing him.

I made Silver look like beta Main character but think Silver as a child who has not gone through puberty yet Who only wants to have Fun and Adventures nothing more. Even though he like millions of years old but has a child-like innocence I am telling this now because in the future you will ask.

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