
Chapter 61: A silver strand of fate...

It's a fine Thursday morning here at Rosemary Academy as the glorious dawn of the sunlight shined brightly for everyone to bask upon.

"Oh my gosh, it's Rina everyone!!!"


"Wow, she's so pretty!!!, like an elegant Goddess making her magnificent mark in here our Academy!!!"

"Is it true that she is also a noble? Related to the beautiful blonde woman that we saw yesterday?!"

"Of course she is!!! Have you not seen the live footage that the Newspaper club has provided us yesterday?"

"From now on, I'll dedicate my entire being just to be like her and follow her outstanding example!!!"

"Yes, she's now our new idol!!!"

"We love you, Rina Mayfield!!!"

Such are the words and praises being circulated around the students as they saw their person of interest, the one and only, Rina Mayfield of Class 1-D walking as he makes his way to the classroom for the daily Academic instructions.

His new fans just could not help but be very impressed as they revere her very presence at the bold action that he demonstrated yesterday in front of the noble, Edmund Von'laden.

Rin could only sigh deeply at his predicament, his hands inside his pockets as he simply smiled sheepishly at the stares of admiration he has been receiving from the female students in his vicinity.

'That damn Lucia...' Rin twitch his head in utter annoyance at the mere thought of his boss, continuously marching forth at the direction going to the Academic building as he thought of how troublesome the situation that he finds into. 'She really held no bars against Mr. Von'laden yesterday, going as far as to reveal her noble lineage and involving me into the equation. Not that I'm ungrateful or anything though. In fact, her help was very much appreciated and I was able to get out of that rather infuriating situation with the 'pest'.'

The massive attention of praise and adoration that Rin is now garnering as a result of Lucia's actions is frankly unnecessary. To be honest, Rin is now unsure if he can ever blend in with the shadows ever easily again. To be one with the norm like the true Agent of the Brotherhood as far as he can remember.

Still, this was not in any way a valid excuse for him to falter and shirk of in his duties as the kingdom's sole protectors operating in the dark.

As a matter of fact, there are some agents who are famous in their own right, their alter egos being T.V. celebrities, renowned politicians, esteemed nobles who made themselves known in the public. Heck, Lucia too is a freaking noble, a daughter of a highly regarded doctor of botany, and she turns out just fine!! Going as far as being one of the prime candidates who are next in line to be the next Shadow of the Brotherhood, the head of the Agency and right hand of the Queen that operates methodically in the hidden like a true master of the dark.

Meaning, if these individuals are able to maintain their alter-ego and secret agent identity at the same time, then Rin can sure as freaking hell can do it too!!!

After all, he is the Agent with the 99.8% success rate in all of his missions, deemed as one of the best Brotherhood Agent that the Service has every trained and produced.

He failed to see why he should be abandoning his sacred oath, all for the glory of the Twilight Kingdom and its denizens.

Lost in his thoughts, Rin failed to notice as a girl's voice was heard nearby, greeting him in a friendly and familiar manner for all the students to witness.

"Why if it isn't Rina Mayfield." It was in fact, no other than the crowned princess of the Lunar throne, Princess Riana Constantine Lunaria. The silver-haired girl addressed the boy with a charming smile on her angelic face. "It is indeed such a lovely morning for one such as myself to encounter you here personally."

Rin upon now seeing the princess bowing in a cute curtsy, immediately snap out from his thinking, nodding with a simple and respectful bow of his head as he returned the gesture with a grin of his own. "Fancy seeing you here princess. For what do I owe the pleasure?"

"Oh my, Rina Mayfield." Riana smiled teasingly as she puts her hand on her mouth in a playful shock. "Why are you still referring me by my title? I already told you, call me Riana."

"Ehehe, sorry." Rin chuckled sheepishly in response, still not used at referring to one of the most important figures of the Kingdom, coming in close with the Queen herself. "It's kind of a reflex prince… Riana. You know, part of my job and all that."

"Fufufu, very well, you're forgiven." Riana giggled cutely as she then eyed the boy in utmost fascination, her similarly crimson-red eyes beaming at the prospect of just being near with him. "It appears that you are alone on your way to the Academic building Rina Mayfield. Usually, you are together with your friends; the heiress, a member of the Newspaper club, and the one with the orange hair, I believe."

"Yeah." Rin smiled in wary, wondering how the princess knows all these. "How do you know about me and my friends, if you don't mind me asking?"

"Oh, Rina Mayfield..." Riana grin in a mischievous manner. "As the Student Council President of this Academic Institution, it is only right that I know the students under me who have piqued my keen interest. Of course, you have achieved such marvelous feats despite your still short tenure here at the Academy, I could not help but find you absolutely intriguing~"

"I… I see." Rin could only assume a halfhearted chuckle, kind of put off at how the princess has seemingly been keeping tabs on him inside the school.

"Hmm..." Riana stroked her chin, still retaining her charming smile. "Since you are alone, I suppose I can accompany you in your walk until we have reached the entrance of the Academic building."

Seeing no harm in her actions, that, and she is the freaking princess, so she can do whatever the hell she wants. Rin simply nodded with a friendly smile, allowing her to do so. "It would be my pleasure Riana."

As the two figure of both blue and silver are now seen together, conversing familiarly with one another, the entire student body within the proximity could not believe at what they are seeing right at this instance, their eyes popping out at how flabbergasted they truly are at witnessing Rina Mayfield and Princess Riana Constantine Lunaria closely together.

"Is that Rina Mayfield… and her highness!!?"

"Let me see!!!, let me see!!!"


"It seems that even the princess herself held her in high regard!!!"

"Wait, the two are friends?!"

"Of course!! Look at how her highness acts all familiar and happy at socializing with her!!!"

"Yup, Ms. Mayfield sure is an amazing girl that even the princess has seemed to have acknowledged her!!!"

Rin merely cringes in response at the crowd's astonished reactions, mentally crying inside his mindscape. 'What the hell?! And I fucking thought that my fame will not get any higher than this.'

Riana giggled at the blue-haired beauty's funny reaction. On the inside, the silver-haired girl is actually beaming in pure happiness, as she could not help but be utterly delighted at walking side by side with the Agent in disguise.

Minutes later, the two finally arrived at their destination, right outside of the Academic building's entrance.

"Well, we're here." Rin smiled as he eyed the entrance.

"Such a shame, I was hoping for us to talk even more. I quite enjoy our conversation, Rina Mayfield." Riana simply responded as she faces the boy.

"Yeah, me too Riana." Rin nodded. "I guess I better get going now."

With a respectful bow, Rin then turned around as he makes his leave.


"Wait, Rina Mayfield." Riana in an instant, halted the boy leaving her presence as she notices something out of the ordinary from the boy.

Rin complied, stopping his tracks as he saw Riana approaching him rather closely, eyeing him with a look of focus.

Then, the silver-haired princess took a closer look at the boy's feminine face, causing Rin to blush slightly at how their faces are now within mere millimeters.


Riana plucks out something that is hanging from Rin's forehead, causing the boy to winced slightly in pain. The princess then stared at the object that she pulled out from him, eyeing it with the most compelling of look.

An object, something that definitely raised the princess' fascination at her suspicions of the blue-haired boy's status.

"Tell me, Rina Mayfield..." Riana asked him with genuine curiosity, showing the said object of interest. "Is this by any chance your natural hair color?"

The object… was no other than a single strand of silver hair.

Yep, the princess sure is getting closer in finding out more if our beloved agent is really her brother or not.

Thanks for reading!!!

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