
Chapter 57: Love-me-maybe!!!

"Mother of Twilight, this sure is a fucking mess…"

"Glad that we made it on time…"

"Stop squirming you criminal scum!!"

"Is… is that a severed arm!!?"

"Woah!!! And also a head!!"

"Crap, I think I'm going to be sick."

Such are the words of the investigation team as back in the Warehouse, the investigation is still on the go as the team is seen to be scattered around the premises of the interior in an orderly manner in search of clues and apprehending the criminal survivors for questioning.

The 5 members of Twilight Police Task Force 202 are now seen to be gathered together as they talk about the hectic events that transpired just a few moments ago.

"You and the recruit sure had one of an exciting night huh." Charlie said as he smiled casually to the two girls of the squad.

"Yes, it has been rough Charlie." Henders nodded in agreement. "I sincerely thought that the recruit and I are a goner. Being surrounded by those hideous men, eyeing us like disposable prizes for the taking is something that I never want to experience anytime again soon."

Henders shivered in disgust at the unspeakable things that those thugs might have done unto them if the situation had not gone chaotic to their favor.

"Hehe, yeah." Hannie grins in a sheepish manner as she shares the same sentiments with her superior officer. "It seems that even baddies kill their fellow baddies hehehe. The woman's group sure are very brave that they did not even hesitate to shoot down the leader on the spot despite them being vastly surrounded."

Hearing the pink-haired girl's input in regards to that particular matter, Henders assumes a scowling look, feeling rather put off at the mystery that is the woman's group.

"Yes." Henders responded. "That group, whatever their name is, have shown various proficiency in the field of combat. Their ruthlessness knows no bounds as they merely gutted and slice off the other group like they are insignificant trashes. Their demeanor is quite horrifying, to be honest, showing not even an ounce of mercy. In fact, I'm not even sure if I'm even watching a battle. It's like they are… dancing with death itself."

"Wow, way too exaggerate things huh Captain." Brandon chuckled, having thought that Henders is joking.

"If only that were the case though." Henders shook her head in disapproval, the tone in her voice sounding a whole lot serious about the issue. "What the recruit and I witness… was not a battle because if it were, then both sides must be in equal terms more or less as and either side coming in a close victory or defeat."

"No…" Henders continued. "What we saw is a horrifying bloodbath… a slaughter. Those three individuals of the woman's group… they are too dangerous to be let loose, right here in the Underworld and most especially to the Kingdom."

The Police Captain could not help but shudder as she recalled every amount of detail at how the three criminals revel themselves in the heat of the skirmish, blood pouring everywhere as the trio without remorse murder everyone who stands on their way, not even batting an eye when body parts were ripped off in a gory fashion from the armed men.

"By the Mother Twilight…" Brandon widens his eyes at the Captain's story. "You're not joking."

"Huh." Oliver commented as he pointed using his thumb behind him. "I guess that explains why some of the men over there are puking vomit at that corner."

"This sure is alarming indeed…" Charlie responded seriously, focus on the issue at hand. "Whoever they are, no doubt are highly dangerous and It would be best if we tread lightly if we are to step foot here in the Underworld in the future if we are going to be assigned here again."

"Actually, one of them is someone that we know in the records." Henders said. "As I said during our transmission earlier, the Black Wyvern, Kayle Faragus is also present in the operation and one of the three that I mentioned.

The squad nodded at the crucial information revealed to them, all signs of jokes and play now gone at the mention of an infamous and notorious Mercenary.

Well, except for the Chameleon that is…

"Oh, oh, I heard of him!!!" Hannie raised her right hand as she jumps merrily, acting like a child who knows the answer trying to get attention from a teacher in class. "He is that really famous Mercenary baddie with the cash prize of 2 million Reis, correct?"

"Yes recruit…" Henders answered in deadpan. "Everyone knows that."

"Aw." Hannie pouted rather cutely. "Call me Hannie."

"Anyways…" Henders ignored the antics of the pink-haired girl much to the latter's comical agape of her mouth. "After the team is done in scouring the entire place for some clues, we are to head back to HQ and deliver our report as a Task Force personally to Col. Rogers, are we clear?"

"Yes ma'am!!" The whole squad said in unison, saluting in a snappy manner.

They were then approached by a policeman of the investigation team as the squad turned to face the man.

"Captain Alexia ma'am." The policeman greeted the superior with a salute.

"Ah, Corporal." Henders acknowledge the man. "How goes the investigation, good news perhaps?"

The man responded by shaking his head in disappointment, seemingly unsatisfied with what they have gathered throughout the investigation. "I'm afraid not ma'am. Although, we were able to get some answers from the criminals that we apprehended but sadly, we don't get very much aside from their leader's name, their drug-dealing that happened a while ago and only the name of the drug that they are dealing with."

"I see." Henders nodded with a frown. "It can't be helped then. "What's the name of their leader."

"Right…" The Corporal said, responding quickly. "His name is Craig Tylers, a drug lord who is actually a major importer and exporter of different kinds of drugs."

"An unknown finally revealed." Henders sighed in slight relief, finally getting something out of this mess. "A drug lord… It's a surprise that we don't even know who the man is. It seems that he is either very good at hiding or is extremely cautious in his dealings. Whatever the case, the bastard is dead, so one less corruption plaguing the streets of our kingdom."

Henders then rubs her chin, pondering at another thing that the Corporal has mentioned. "I already know the drug's name since I was there in the scene. Love-me-maybe, right?"

"Yes ma'am." The Corporal replied. "The drug Love-me-maybe it seems is the first that we have ever heard. As such, we are unfamiliar with it. If only, we could get a single sample to test it but alas, we were not able to find any of it.

The Corporal's answer resulted in Henders cursing her own incompetence at not being able to secure such an important item.

"Damn it!!" Henders grit her teeth in frustration. "I should have been more vigilant!!"

As the Police Captain was disappointed to herself, her partner though is having a different reaction.

At the mention of the drug, Hannie from behind Henders immediately widen her eyes in realization, reacting with utmost glee.

"Oh, oh, Captain!!!" The pink-haired girl interrupted the conversation.

"What is it now recruit." Henders said in annoyance.

"The drug, Captain, the drug!!!" Hannie shouted in delight as she pulled out an item from her pocket.

"What are you talking about recruit?" Henders eyed her subordinate in confusion.

They all wonder what Hannie is bantering about.

Witnessing then the item presented to them, Hender's eyes immediately pop out in extreme shock like she is going to faint in the spot from a heart attack.

Henders pointed at the object with disbelief.

"Is that?"

"Yep!!!" Hannie answered joyfully, like a child having a candy.

The item, wrapped in a small plastic as its transparency shows the familiar blue powder substance that was held by the armed leader recently.

Hannie grinned widely as her eyes glimmered playfully and said...

"So Captain, call my name and love me… maybe?"

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