
Chapter 33: Almost!!

Rin Grayson was so not having a good week right now.

The blue-haired boy in disguise could not help but twitch in pure, unadulterated annoyance, irritated by a certain black-haired nuisance that has caused him a whole lot of mischief for the past few days ever since the incident where he was locked inside the bathroom.

Meiko Aliston, the orange-haired girl with the petite small body was also seen to be accompanying him as they are inside the reception area of the Butterfly dormitory as she eyed Rin, wondering what caused him to be in a rather volatile mood at this early morning.

"What's wrong Rina?" Meiko gave a concerned smile at her classmate.

Rin, despite being pissed, still managed to gave Meiko a calm response. "I'm fine Meiko. Just a bit annoyed about a certain pathetic pest who seems to declare that her lifelong mission would be to annoy the hell out of me until the ends of the earth."

Meiko stroked her chin, realizing what the boy meant. "You mean Ms. Von'laden?"

"I prefer the name Pest." Rin simply nodded and the two now find themselves outside of the dorm as they continued their conversation on the way to class. Then Rin blinked in realization as he said." Huh, so I guess you know."

"Silly." Meiko giggled cutely in response. "Ms. Von'laden, together with Velvet has not been exactly subtle when it comes to stalking you. For the past few days, most have us have witnessed the both of them following you wherever you are going. If we don't know any better, she might have a crush on you."

"Ugh, please don't shift our conversation in that direction." Rin answered with a tone of disgust as he stuck his tongue out and crossed his arms. Despite Erica being a beautiful girl no doubt, the boy held no ounce of attraction towards the bully who had hurt his classmates before. "That pest is as stealthy as a freaking gorilla in the wild rummaging for bananas around the corner."

"Hahaha, oh Rina." Meiko laughed as she imagined in her mind the infamous Erica Von'laden being a Black Gorilla and eating loads of bananas non-stop.

While they are walking, a can of paint was suddenly thrown from above as it was sent falling off to both of them.

Fortunately, the boy was able to notice the near-miss due to his attentive nature, observant in every direction, his eyes widening at the sight of the paint being hurled towards their direction. With quick lightning reflex honed by years in the Brotherhood, he immediately grabs Meiko and avoided the falling projectile as they witness the can of paint being scattered on the ground, revealing the color of pink inside it.

"Woah!!" Rin said out loud as he held Meiko in his arms. "Are you alright Meiko?"

"I...I'm f-fine Rina." Meiko stuttered as her face reddens at the rather compromising position that they are in.

Both of them are shown to be pressing their bodies very closely towards one another as Rin was shown to be hugging the orange-haired girl firmly in his unyielding grasp. Their faces, both as red as a tomato, dangerously close towards each other as their breath collide simultaneously, and eyes only looking as they flicker in an uncertain passion, like a spark bursting forth within them. Both of their lips, only a few millimeters away, once more longing for that feeling that they once experience during their encounter at the dormitory on Rin's first day of school.

'Yahooo!!!!' Chibi Devil Rin emerged from his shoulders, the manifestation of one of his mental entities cheering for his host as he grinned widely for him and the girl. "Finally our boy is going to get another kiss and from the same girl again no less!! If this ain't mother fate telling him to take her in as his girlfriend then I fucking don't know what it is!!"

Chibi Angel Rin also materialize opposite to his Devil counterpart's shoulder location as he looked at the scene of the original Rin and nodded in satisfaction like a master feeling proud of his student. 'Indeed. It seems that this Meiko girl has shown to have a significant edge towards the other women that Rin has been meeting. I sense something rather… pleasant, a feeling of fluff goodness inside his cold heart. Yes, she will do very nicely."

'Oh yeah Rinny boy!!" Chibi Devil Rin cackled madly as he eyed the lovey-dovey scene with a gleam on his crimson eyes, breathing profusely in anticipation of their lips touching once more. 'Come on, kiss already damn it!!!'

As both of them unconsciously move their faces closely, both of them yearning for another warm tenderness of strawberry sensation just like before, they were-

"Yahoo!!! Rina, Meiko wait for us!!!"

-rudely interrupted by one Keana Blakes who shouted cheerfully at the both of them as she was seen waving her hand and running towards them. She was also accompanied by Kana, the heiress was seen to be walking slowly unlike her giddy outgoing violet-haired classmate.

Both Rin and Meiko suddenly snapped out from the voice of Keana calling towards them as their faces heat up intensely and released themselves from one another very quickly.

'Oh fucking come on!!!!' Chibi Devil Rin groaned with the utmost of annoyance and despair as he cursed the heavens above even further with the vilest of words that he could think of.

'Such a disappointment.' Chibi Angel Rin, the calm one of the two could only shake his head in a disheartened manner and palm his face while crying comically.

The act though was not gone unnoticed by Keana who was now seen to be smirking in a teasing manner at both of their red faces. "Hehehe so what is going on huh? I sense some yuri, lesbian play going on around here~"

"I don't know what you are talking about." Rin crossed his arms as he turned his redden face in reflex as he avoided eye contact with Keana.

"Oh don't be shy you two lovebirds!!" Keana said, her grin turning even wider. "Girl to girl relationships here at Rosemary is not that uncommon. In fact, the survey says that 4 out of 10 students enter into a same-sex relationship with one another to satisfy their need and intimacy of being loved and needed. So is this it?! The sailing of a new ship?! Rina X Meiko or maybe Meiko X Rina? I'm so proud of you two!! Momma is gonna-"


"OUCH!!" Keana screamed in pain courtesy of a bag being slammed on her head by Kana. "What was that for?!"

"Give those two a break sheesh." Kana shook her head in unamusement as she berated the violet-haired girl and her eyes turned her attention towards the spilled paint on the ground. "I'm sure the both of them can explain as I'm wondering why there's a paint scattered down over there."

"Oh I did not notice that." Keana said as she too eyed the paint.

Rin sighed as he began telling them the story. "I suspect that a certain pest of a stalker is responsible for this childish prank. A paint just comes falling to us from above and I managed to save myself and Meiko from being painted pink at the spot, hence why I'm holding her earlier."

The boy looked up and his eyes turned towards an open window, most likely where the paint came from.

"I see." Keana chuckled sheepishly. "Ehehe sorry for teasing you girls like that."

"So it's Von'laden huh." Kana frowned at mentioning the bully's name. "I better be careful if were you Rina. She may act all bitchy and all but she's quite deceptive if she puts her mind into it."

Rin nodded. "Yeah, that pest seems to be overstepping her bounds. For the past few days, I've indulged her in her pathetic plays. The first ones were merely a nuisance, nothing too serious. In fact, I find some of them rather hilarious but this is just getting increasingly old and annoying."

"So what's the plan Rina?" Meiko, now out of her daze asked the boy.

Rin assumed a serious look, one where no one should be pissing off as he said.

"It's time that I pay this pest a lesson and finally show her place like the worm she is."

Meanwhile Erika was seen as she suddenly shivered in reflex as if something terrible is going to happen to her. Both her and Velvet hurryingly make their way to their classroom before they are going to get caught by a certain irritated blue-haired beauty.

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