
Flash back ???

Kira : Hii, Dad what's up !?

Kira's Dad : Ohh! Hii sweetheart I just wanna discuss something , take your seat .

Kira : Is it about your transfer?!!

Kira's dad : is that the thing that makes you sad?

Kira : no dad I just asked you😅

Kira's dad : we are moving to India, south India, Tamil nadu .

Kira : ahaa, 🙀 really dad ! let's stay in pondy dad, it's the most beautiful place many have said.

Kira's dad : Y'a that's great sweetheart.and what about your school?

Kira : hmm I didn't think of it 😐😐

Kira 's dad : don't worry I have decided your school.

Kira : really!! may I know the name, I want to know more about it...

Kira 's dad : Golden flowers higher secondary school.

Kira : woww.. wait let me search..

( After 10 minutes)

kira : dad!!! 😱😱😱planing to kill me!!!

Kira's dad: that's great sweetheart, no one will kill you, just go and enjoy and you should enjoy right so I have got your roll no. too

Kira: Soo you want me to be killed.

kira's dad: these things are just like a dust for you sweetheart don't worry and you know , your roll no. is...

Kira: plz plz say 26😬😬

Kira's dad : no ur's is 60.

Kira : 😵😵😵😵😵

Kira 's dad : 😁😁😁

Kira: you know,that school is running on case because from 2013 till now the roll no's from 55 to 60 are somehow death and you want me to die...

Kira: dad !dad!? don't go dad answer me..

Kira 's dad : enjoy Kira , pack your bags and get ready ...

(kira's dad get into his room. )

(note: this part Kira doesn't know only for the readers)

(after getting into his room he starts to Pack his bag suddenly he notices a photoframe of family photo and he starts to talk )

kira's dad: sorry Kira I know this is hard and I lost ur mom like this but, has per the promise let's faces it together.

(and keeps the photoframe inside his suitcase)

if there is any mistakes plz I'm sorry just love reading ????love u all ??????

lv_maskcreators' thoughts
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