
The Best (Part 5 - The Fairy)

[Othon, the Capital of Drachma]

The chief of the weapons department had already realized that his key was stolen and he was suspecting Jane for that. As soon as he found out that his key was stolen, he informed the Marshal of Drachmann Federation, Clifton Kozlov to avoid any horrific punishment. Because of his prompt decision, he managed to evade the death penalty, but he was instantly removed from his position and was put in jail. Clifton then interrogated and searched almost every person in the palace, and he organized a search operation in parallel to search for Jane throughout the city. On the other side, Jane was fortunate that she met Boris and Danny before encountering any military personnel.

After making a copy of the key, he got from Jane, Boris gave the original key to Danny and sent him to Granny's Cakes in order to pass the key to Gabriella or Maria in the palace. He also had the obligation to fulfill his promise to Jane, and it was not possible without the help of a person.

Boris took Jane to the market area in disguise. That certain part of the market was not as crowded as other parts. After walking through the market for some time, they finally arrived at their destination. It was a shop without any signboard in front of it. When they entered inside, the shop was filled with strange things like old articles, animal bones, herbs, etc. There were no customers there beside Boris and Jane who were straight-up walking toward the counter. They saw a 16-17-year-old boy was sitting at the counter watching some funny pictures in a book and laughing. To get his attention, Boris hit the call bell on the desk. The sudden noise from the bell startled the boy and he looked toward Boris with a surprised face. Boris looked at him and smiled. "You should pay more attention to the shop, rather than engaging yourself with those pictures," said Boris.

When the boy saw Boris, he calmed down as if he knew him very well. "Oh, It's you," replied the boy. "Shall I inform Mr. Cout that you are here?"

"Yes," answered Boris.

The boy went inside a room which was behind the counter, and after some time he came outside with a man. The man looked as if he was in his fifties. His grey hairs had covered his head, which he combed backward like a mafia operative. He was wearing a black t-shirt and a brown pea coat on it, matching his eye color. He was quite tall, maybe close to 6.5 feet, with a well-toned body. And to look more intimidating, he wore two small gold earrings, shaped like skull. The man's name was Viktor Cout, he was a smuggler and smuggled everything from antiquities to humans to weapons, and he was so good at smuggling goods and people that he was never caught by the Drachmann military. When he saw Boris, he smiled. "So what brings you here?"

"I need a favor, can we talk?" asked Boris.

Viktor sighed. "And I thought, you finally came to grab a drink and talk stupid things with Me." He then turned around. "Come on," he said.

Boris followed him inside the room, and Jane also followed behind, but Boris asked her to wait outside. Jane adhered to Boris's request and waited outside.

After Boris was gone, Jane was looking at the articles in the shop outside. She liked to read books, so she went to the books section and was browsing through some books. Suddenly, her eyes fell on a brown covered book with BH written at a corner. The book was looking old and was covered with a bit of dust. Out of curiosity, she picked up the book to check what kind of book it was. She opened the book and looked at the front page, where the title of the book was written. It was "The Fairy", the second book which Berthold Hawkeye wrote. Because that was the only fairy tale book in the shop, Jane got interested and started reading the book.

The book read, "The wizard was now very powerful. He had mastered the art of controlling the most destructive element, fire. He thought, he could now protect humanity from evil beings, who were slowly gobbling up his nation, but he soon found out that his destructive power was not enough to defeat the evil lord, ruling the country. The evil lord had four Generals, which he had deployed in every direction. The General of the East was the oldest, but he was not a demon or fiend by birth. He was a fairy, whose mother was exiled from the land of fairies a long time ago because of the evil lord. He later married a noble girl, mostly to rise in the power hierarchy of his nation. Together they had a beautiful daughter, with the trademark wings of a fairy…"

Jane was fully immersed in the story, when someone called her name, from right behind her. She was startled and turned around. It was Boris, standing with Viktor. She took a sigh of relief when she saw them.

"I have told Viktor everything, and he has agreed to help you get out of this country," said Boris.

"WHAT?" she exclaimed. "I have to leave Drachma?"

"Believe me, the crime you have committed is very severe. The only safe option is to leave this country as soon as possible," replied Viktor.

"But, I didn't know that the key was so important," said Jane as her lips set in a grim line and drops of tears formed in her eyes.

"It doesn't matter now," said Viktor.

Jane took a deep breath and wiped out the few drops of tears in her eyes.

"When are we leaving?" asked Jane

"Tomorrow 4 AM. One of my men will help you get to Creta, then you are on your own," replied Viktor.

"Can I say goodbye to my family for one last time?" Jane gulped with button eyes, eagerly waiting for approval. But, Viktor replied with a blunt voice, "No."

"WHY?" Jane looked at Viktor with crossed brows.

"Because the military must have known that you stole the key by now, and the first thing they would have done, is to put your home and family under surveillance," answered Viktor.

Jane understood the severity of her actions and agreed to get out of the country for her safety. Boris then left her under the protection of Viktor whom he trusted with his life and went to complete his job of getting into the Junior Military Academy and find Lab C.