
Motherhood (Part 1 - Gardenias)

[Year 1906]

Roughly 10 months had passed since Oliver was born. Riza was taking care of Oliver with some help from her caretaker, Matilda Becker. Berthold Hawkeye didn't leave any fortune for her after his death, and Roy was long gone from her life, so she had to work to sustain herself and her child. She worked at a nearby flower shop because the owner of the shop agreed to bring her baby with her. The owner used to call her by her middle name instead of her first name, as Elizabeth was also the owner's daughter name who was living in some other part of the country. Because the owner used to call her by her middle name, other people of the town who came to the shop were used to know her by her middle name rather than her first name.

As usual, Riza was at work one day, spraying water on the flowers and Oliver was sleeping in his cradle that the owner of the shop gifted her. Right at that moment, she heard a man's voice. "Can I have some flower Ms.?"

Riza turned to find out who was it. She saw a bearded man with clouded eyes was standing very quietly. Riza instantly recognized him. It was Krid Novak, the same blind man who was being surveilled by Roy for a week. Riza was a little afraid at first because she knew some terrifying things about him which Roy told her during his mission, but she managed to calm down and replied, "What flower would you like Sir?"

"What flower is the most fragrant according to you?" Krid asked.

Riza took a deep breath to forget all the terrible history what Roy had told her. Then she answered, "Personally I think Gardenia is the most fragrant one, but people generally prefer flowers which are good looking and fragrant at the same time."

"I can't see if you haven't noticed, so fragrance is the only thing I am here for," Krid smiled.

Riza quickly realized her mistake, and apologized, "Sorry Sir, I didn't mean to-"

But before she could complete her sentence, Krid interrupted. "It's alright, you don't need to apologize. Now, it will be great if you can please give me a bouquet of Gardenias," He smiled.

"Sure," Riza smiled back and began to gather some gardenias. She then made a bouquet out of the flowers and brought the bouquet near Krid so that he could feel the bouquet. "Here Mr. Novak, your flowers. Keep them in a vase with some water, and they will last a bit longer," she said.

Krid took the bouquet and thanked her by saying, "Thank you for the advice, Ms.?" He waited for an answer which Riza understood within a moment.

"You can call me Elizabeth," She replied.

Right at that moment, Oliver started crying as he woke up from his slumber. "Is it your baby?" Krid asked politely.

"Yes, that's my son. Now, if you will excuse me for a moment?" She said in hurry and rushed toward her son to pick him up from the cradle. She carried him on her arms, putting his head on her shoulder, and softly patted him on his back to stop his cry.

When Oliver calmed down a bit after feeling his mother's warmth, Krid asked, "How old is he?"

"He is just 10 months old," Riza replied.

But when Riza thought her son calmed down, Oliver cried more loudly. Hearing the baby's sharp cry, Krid chuckled and said, "It seems he seeks your complete attention." He then offered money for the flowers he bought. "Here, take the money and don't worry about the change," He said.

Riza held Oliver in one arm, so she took the amount with the other hand and thanked Krid.

Soon after that, Krid left and Riza entered inside a room to feed her baby. After some time, when she was finished feeding Oliver, she tried to lull him to put him to sleep, but he was not interested to sleep. He kept on clinging to his mother by holding her dress with his tiny hands. Riza couldn't force him to leave her so she took him out of the room and sat at the flower shop holding him. Because there was no customer around, she started playing with her son. She was too much into playing with her baby that she didn't pay attention to the surrounding.

Suddenly, she heard a familiar voice. "Does he always disturbs you like this?" Matilda asked.

Riza recognized the voice and looked at the person with a grin. She then carried Oliver in her arms and stood up. "I like it when he disturbs me like this," She replied. Then she walked closer to Matilda and questioned, "So, were you missing Oli?"

Matilda took Oliver from Riza's arms and Oliver didn't even retaliate. "I was missing both of you, I couldn't wait till you come home so, I came here…you know I can help you sell flowers, but then, people prefer a pretty young lady than a pretty old one to buy flowers from," She finished her answer with a joke.

Riza burst into laughter. She covered her mouth to hold her laugh but, when Oliver laughed watching his mother laugh, showing his newly grown frontal teeth, even Matilda burst into laughter. After sometime when they were tired of laughing, Matilda said, "There is something I want to talk to you about."

Riza looked curiously at Matilda and asked, "Is it something important?"

"Yes…a mail from the military came today," She replied and saw Riza gulp now that the secret was out. She then looked at Riza with a concerned face, and questioned, "Are you joining the military?"

Riza closed her eyes and took a deep breath. Then she opened her eyes and exhaled to calm down. "Yes, I thought I can raise Oli properly if I do a real job," She answered.

Matilda looked at Riza with widened eyes and spoke with haste, "You can help me sell cupcakes and bread. You can raise him here. There is no need to join the military for that."

"I think it's the only way to make this world a better place," Riza said.

Riza couldn't believe that after such a long time, she would quote Roy, and because of which Matilda would get angry. "Do you know how stupid you sound? Your world is here, and I am carrying your world in my arms right now," Matilda scolded, because of which Riza lowered her head. Matilda saw Riza's lowered head and sighed to calm down. "Why don't you talk to me before you take a decision like this?" Matilda asked with a concerned voice.

Riza rose her head and replied, "If I would have talked to you then you would have never let me apply for the military."

"You are correct," Matilda said with a stiff face and bluntly.

Riza sighed and explained, "Military was the only good job I could find. With a job in the military, I can raise Oli properly…My grandfather is in the military, I think he can help me out with Oli."

Matilda understood that she was not going to change her mind. She gave Oliver to Riza and didn't talk to her for some time. She kept on watching and touching the flowers instead of talking to Riza, and Riza was looking at Matilda for a response while holding Oliver in her arms. And then she heard the old woman's voice which she was waiting for. "Do they have any facilities for single mothers?" Matilda asked without facing her.

"There should be…besides that, I will have a good salary to raise Oli and there are good schools in the cities as well," Riza replied excitedly.

"I don't think I can ever change your mind," Matilda turned around, and offered the mail from the military she brought with her to Riza, "Here." When Riza took the letter from Matilda's hand, Matilda informed, "They have asked you to report after 2 weeks…I guess I have to take care of Oliver for some time all by myself then?"

Riza opened the mail and said while looking at the letter, "Good thing, the women training camp is in the next town so, I will be able to come very often."

"Hope you make this world a better place… and remember to punch hard that bastard on the face if you meet him," Matilda glowered.

Riza laughed at her statement, and said with a smile, "You don't need to tell me that."

Next chapter