
The Unexpected (Part 4 - Colonel Death)

The reason why Roy was sent to Riza's hometown by Grumman, was to study the daily activities of an ex-military colonel. The person's name was Krid Novak, who was also known by the name of Colonel Death in the military. The reason why people gave him that nickname was because he had killed a lot of people with his bare hands and he never ever had a scratch on his body.

Roy knew the place where Krid was living after retiring from the military. It was house beside the local graveyard, and there was no neighborhood in a 100-meter radius. After having a good time with Riza that morning, Roy went to observe Krid Novak's home. He was strictly instructed to observe Krid's home from a distance.

When Roy reached near the graveyard, he could see the small house which had a small verandah and few windows. There were few flower plants in front of the house, and there was no electricity or telephone line going into that house. Roy couldn't figure out whether anyone was in that house or not, so he waited at a position from where he could keep an eye on the activity going on around the house.

Around 5 PM in the evening, Roy saw the main door of the house opening, and a middle-aged man came out of the house. He was wearing a very simple shirt and a full pant, and he had an untidy beard. Roy was clear that it was Krid Novak because he saw Krid's image on the file he got from Colonel Ludwig.

Krid was walking toward the lake, and Roy followed him without being noticed. Roy was surprised that even after being blind, Krid was walking like a normal person, without the help of any stick. After the sunset, when Krid was heading back home, Roy followed him again. Roy waited for one extra hour after Krid went inside the house, but still, he couldn't see anything interesting happening. So, he left for home, but he had already hired a local man who could observe Krid's house in Roy's absence.

When he reached Riza's house, he knocked on the door and shouted, "Honey, I am hooome."

Someone opened the door but, it was not Riza.

"What were you doing this late night? Riza has not eaten her dinner because of you," Matilda said with a raised voice and a scary face.

"I'm sorry. I was busy with something important," Roy apologized.

Matilda sighed and moved out of the way to let him get inside. Roy saw Riza was sitting at the dining table, smiling at him. After having a bath, he joined Riza and Matilda at the dining. They had dinner together, and then Roy and Riza rested on the sofa with each other's embrace. They spent some time on that sofa talking to each other while Matilda went to sleep. When it was getting really late, Roy said,

"I think it's time to sleep. I am going to my old room."

He stood up from the sofa to get to his room. But, before he could leave, Riza said,

"Ms. Becker is living in your old room. You can sleep in my father's room if you want."

"Works for me," Roy replied.

Riza then stood up from the sofa, and both left for their respective bedrooms. Because Riza's room was near her father's room, they were going along holding each other's hand. When they reached Riza's room, both of them stopped. Riza opened her door and looked at Roy.

"It's goodnight then," She said hesitantly.

Roy kissed her on her lips and said "Goodnight" with a smile. Riza's heart started beating fast and she felt an urge to kiss him back, so she reached out to Roy's lips and kissed him. Roy gave up to that moment and kissed her back. Both of them went inside the room while kissing and Roy closed the door by pushing it with his foot. Roy slowly moved his lips to her neck and began undressing her. Slowly he removed all her clothes as she removed all his clothes. Then he carried her on his arms and took her to the bed. That night, both of them expressed their feelings to the fullest.

Next morning, both were awake and were on the bed. Riza was resting her head beside Roy's chest where she could clearly hear Roy's heartbeat and Roy was staring at the ceiling while embracing her.

"Do you think your father would have approved any of this?" Roy asked.

"I don't know. Maybe he would have approved, just because he only wanted you to have his research work. He certainly loved his work more than me. He was even very skeptic to let me have some outside friend because I had his research secrets," She replied.

"He was right about some things though…Riza…can you promise me one thing?" He asked with a concerned voice.

She moved out of his embrace and sat on the bed while she was in her underwear. She looked at him and asked,

"What promise?"

Roy looked into her eyes and replied worriedly, "If something happens to me, I want you to keep on living. I am very lucky that you love me…whenever I think of my past, I feel happy that I chose to learn alchemy from your father and I got far more than what I could have ever asked for. You came into my life and I found love."

"Nothing will happen to you Mr. Mustang, you have a long way to go and I promise you, I will always be by your side no matter what," Riza said in an assuring manner.

"Then you should also join the military," Roy joked.

Roy's mission was going smoothly, but there was no interesting finding. Roy used to follow Krid very carefully. When Krid went to the lake every evening, Roy used to spend time with Riza in the same area at that time. Being with Riza, was a good cover for Roy and he could get near Krid in this way, without any suspicion. Moreover, during the night he had a hired local man to observe the activities around Krid's house. But, after 3 days, the man Roy hired disappeared. When Roy tried to find him, he couldn't find even a single clue which leads to his disappearance. Because he had very less time, he hired another man and instructed him strictly, not to go near the house, which Roy never instructed to the first man, he hired.

Days passed on, and Roy's assignment was coming to an end. He collected as much as data as he could. One week ended very quickly, and the last night was there. Roy was going to leave for East city the next morning, to give a report to General Grumman.

Like all nights they had been together, Riza was resting her head beside Roy's chest and Roy was embracing her while staring at the ceiling. Both of them were feeling very uncomfortable. They were only thinking about the fact that they had to separate again.

"It might be a bit long the next time I return but, the next time I return… I am going to marry you and take you with me," Roy said bluntly.

Riza quickly moved out of his embrace and sat up on the bed. She looked at him with widened eyes and a surprised face. When Roy looked at her face, he smiled and asked,

"What? Don't you want to marry me?"

"What about making this country a better place before your own happiness Mr. Roy Mustang?" Riza teased.

"Can't a married man do that?" Roy asked.

"Yes…he can," Riza replied with a smile and continued, "I have one problem though"

Roy also sat up on the bed properly. He held both her hands and looked at her curiously.

"What?" He questioned.

"You just can't say that you will marry me, you know? You need my permission for that," She replied with an intentional ego in her voice.

Roy understood what Riza was implying, so he grinned and moved out of the bed in his underwear. He sat on the floor on his knees, and he asked Riza to sit on the edge of the bed with her legs hanging out of the bed. He then held her hands and looked into her amber eyes, which made her blush, and said from his heart,

"Riza Elizabeth Hawkeye…do you remember, the time when you asked me, who will be this idiot's queen?"

"Yes," She replied with a smile.

"Well, I have an answer now. Would you mind becoming this idiot's queen?" Roy asked.

"Yes. After all only a smart queen can stop an idiot king from doing idiot things" She accepted the proposal by mocking Roy.

After listening to Riza's answer, Roy couldn't hold his laugh, and Riza laughed along with him. Roy then stopped for a moment, just to see Riza's laugh which he could cherish. When Riza looked at him, looking her with a worried face, she stopped laughing and asked,

"What happened?"

"I promise I will return as fast as I can. Can you wait for me till then?" Roy asked anxiously.

Riza looked at him and held his hands more tightly. She then replied, "I will wait you for eternity if you ask me to." She smiled to end Roy's anxiety.

The next morning Roy left for East City and she watched him go so that he can return and take her with him.

Next chapter