
Chpater 37.

34. The Causes of Pain

"Are they eating the stir-fried rice cake?"

Eunwoo asked while cutting the hamburger with a knife.

"Yes, I forgot to tell them about lunch today..."

Sun looked at Eunwoo and spoke while feeling sorry for him.

"But no matter what, they still should've waited for me to take care of business before they started eating… they're rude."

Sun said it while having a bite of the salad in her mouth, like a spoiled princess. Eunwoo couldn't resist smiling. It was so cute.

"What are you laughing about?"

"You look lively."

"Do I?"

"Yes, it's great to see."

She thought about his words for a moment.

You look bright, positive, and energetic. She had heard it from people frequently since childhood, but at some point, it became strange to her.

Maybe he felt that her mind sank a little?

Eunwoo tasted the hamburger and started speaking,

"Wow, it's delicious."

"I know, right? I tried it once and crave it all the time now." She smiled at him quickly.

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