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"Lan and Minmin are gone," Daniel mentioned, looking a little bit more among the kids, hoping he was just mistaken, but Lan and Luangmin still weren't there.

"Maybe you missed them," April frowned as well and looked. When she didn't find the two kids around, April quickly stood up.

"I told them not to go elsewhere," Daniel said and got up as well with April's help.

"Wait, I'll just go ask Young Master Lan's classmates where they went," April said and quickly ran towards the group of kids that Lan and Luangmin were with just earlier. Daniel followed April's figure, he saw one of the kids pointed in a direction while April nodded and said something to the kid before she jogged back.

"They said Young Master Luangmin wanted to go to the toilet so Young Master Lan helped him," April reported, earning a nod from Daniel. "I'll just go check up on them and then I'll fetch them quickly," April added.

"I'll go with you, I think it's time to change Luangmin's clothes anyway."

"No, it's okay. I can do that on the way. Besides, you must be here if I don't find them and they come back," April shakes her head in disagreement. It'll be just a quick trip, no need for the Omega to tire himself out.

"Okay, over there are Minmin's clothes. If he doesn't listen, just let Lan help him change his clothes," Daniel instructed, knowing that the two-year-old might try being stubborn.

"Yeah okay, just wait there and relax." April smiled, picking up the small duffle bag filled with both Lan and Luangmin's change of clothes, towels, powder, and other baby products, before she left towards the academy's toilet room, not knowing that at this moment both children were facing danger.

The man that was observing the two kids earlier was very patient and when he finally had his chance, he didn't hesitate to strike. It was a rare chance and he couldn't let it slip through his fingers. He was lucky both kids left without telling anyone, from there it was easy. He didn't need to do much because both were kids, it was easy to knock them both out without a struggle.

The only problem now was how to pick the two up and move them towards his car? He can only bring one kid at a time and he needs to hurry or else someone might notice the two are missing. After thinking briefly, he decided to first carry Lancel Andrews Mo to his car, since he was bigger and can struggle against him if he wakes up, unlike the two-year-old.

He quickly hid Mo Luangmin in one of the cubicles and decided to come back for him next. He easily slipped Lancel Andrews Mo out of the toilet rooms and school building, disguising himself as one of the parents who went there to attend the school activity and to the parking lot where his car was waiting.

When he reached his car, he quickly put Lan inside and securely restrained both his legs and arms. He also didn't forget to cover the child's mouth with masking tape to prevent him from screaming if he wakes up. Finally, when he was done, he draped a cloth over Lan's unconscious body so he wouldn't be visible if anyone walked beside his car.

When he was finished, he quickly went back to fetch Mo Luangmin. As he was about to get inside the toilet room, his palm on the doorknob, he halted his movement when he heard a loud bang coming from the inside. It sounded like someone broke the door of one of the cubicles and later a woman screamed, "Young Master Luangmin!" causing the man to back out as he cursed.

Meanwhile, inside the toilet room, April shook Mo Luangmin's unconscious body after checking his vitals. Her heart pounded faster when she realized that the cause of the kid's sudden unconscious state is that he might have been purposely put to sleep by someone, based on his irregular heartbeat.

Without delay, April rushed out of the toilet. She was worried because of the incident that happened just recently, and now Lancel Andrews Mo was missing. April didn't have to think deeply to understand that this was a kidnapping and the person behind it might still be around the academy. She guessed this person might have left Mo Luangmin temporarily because he couldn't carry both children.

Raising her wrist to her lips, April talked in a rush, "Code Blue, Young Master Lan had been kidnapped, don't let anyone out of this facility at any cost. Contact the security management of the academy and scan all CCTV camera footage. Also, secure Master Daniel and Young Master Lan at any cost, keep your eyes peeled. Catch anyone that's suspicious. And call back-up," April said while cradling the unconscious Mo Luangmin in her arms. After her call ended, April cursed. How is she going to tell this to Daniel?

Today, the security was lighter, thinking nothing would really happen. Thinking no one would actually dare to do something, but they were wrong. April didn't know if this was a well-thought-out mission, coincidence, or just the lucky day of the person behind this, but one thing she knew for sure, she was not going to let this person taint her record. She had never failed her mission, she was confident with her skills and she admits that she might have taken this job lightly. She did not think at all that someone would actually dare touch Mo Luangmin and Lancel Andrews Mo.

Running towards the field, she watched the Omega being busy with his phone and when she reached him, Daniel was surprised by her appearance.

"W-What happened? Why are you in a rush?" Daniel asked, suddenly worried seeing his son unconscious in the Beta's arm. He then looked around hoping Lan was also there but he wasn't.

"Don't panic. Young Master Luangmin is fine, fortunately, I was in time to save him," April said, lying Luangmin down next to Daniel.

"What are you talking about? You're scaring me. What do you mean by you saved Minmin in time? Anyway, where's Lan? Is he still in the toilet?" Daniel asked, confused as he worriedly caressed Luangmin's hair, wondering what happened to him.

"Listen to me, someone out there was after Young Master Luangmin and Young Master Lan. We need you to continue acting normal and follow our instructions while we solve this," April said very slowly, making Daniel even more confused. He wanted to ask more but he was surprised again when one of his two bodyguards appeared in front of them bowing their heads.

"Master, please follow me. We need to secure you and the Young Master," he said, making Daniel frown even more. He hated being kept in the dark, it'll only make him even more worried.

"No, you need to tell me what exactly happened! Why is Minmin unconscious and where is Lan!? What are you talking about really?" Daniel stubbornly said, refusing to follow, making April sigh in defeat.

"Daniel, just follow our instructions, we don't have much time left," April said helplessly.

"Then you really have to tell me now. What in the world is happening!?" Daniel asked in frustration. On cue, an alarm rang across the whole academy, and later someone spoke over the school's sound system.

"We are kindly asking everyone to please proceed to the activity hall. Parents, guardians, students, and teachers, please cooperate, no one should be left strolling outside. I repeat we are kindly asking everyone to please proceed to the activity hall. We are asking you all to cooperate, no one should be left strolling outside." The person behind the speaker said and by this time Daniel knew there was something wrong. He didn't care if the people around them confusingly complied with the request, but he refused to move unless he knew what was going on.

"I won't be leaving if you don't tell me the truth now!" Daniel probed with an angry tone. He rarely gets angry, because when he's really angry he couldn't stop himself from crying. Listening to Daniel's question and looking at his stubborn eyes, April sighs in defeat. She quickly signaled the bodyguard to help Daniel up while she lifted Mo Luangmin into her arms.

"Okay, Young Master Lan has been kidnapped. I figured this person hasn't left the academy yet and might be hiding Young Master Lan somewhere, so we're currently locking down this academy until we find the culprit and save Young Master. It's dangerous for both you and Young Master Luangmin so we need to secure you," April revealed, urging Daniel to follow. They needed to send Daniel and Mo Luangmin back to the Mo Estate where it is safe. However, as Daniel heard the word kidnap, his body halted.

"W-What!? L-Lan has been k-kidnapped? H-How did this happen? This is a private facility! How could someone with that motive manage to get in here?" Daniel asked suddenly in a panic. His mind was briefly lost in chaos before his eyes landed on his son in April's arms and he realized something.

"D-Did they try to kidnap Minmin too? I-Is that why he's unconscious?" Daniel stuttered, his voice getting smaller. His heart pounded fast, remembering the times when he was living in constant threat because of Daniella. He was once kidnapped too, he was almost raped because of that but thankfully he was saved before that happened.

"Yes, that's why you should follow our instructions. This person might be working alone. He couldn't carry both children, so he took Young Master Lan first and hid Young Master Luangmin. Fortunately, I found him quickly before he could take Young Master Luangmin too," April said and urged Daniel to walk again, but he still refused to move. How could he? He just learned that Lan was kidnapped and in danger and his precious son had almost been kidnapped as well. Thankfully, he was saved. But Lan? He can't leave him.

"No, I must help, Lan is like my child, I can't leave him." Daniel stubbornly said while looking at Luangmin.

"If you want to help then just follow us, the more you're delaying things, the more danger Young Master Lan will be in," April said with a frown. She understood Daniel wanted to help but what could he do? There's a possibility that the culprit will target the Omega as well. If Daniel is harmed too then everything will be out of control.

Hearing what April had said, Daniel couldn't retaliate. It was true, if he continues on becoming stubborn, Lan will be in even more danger.

"O-Okay, I'll listen b-but please, I-I don't want to leave… I-I truly can't," Daniel stuttered defeatedly, his tears building up in his eyes while his energy left his body.

"Okay, but you need to stay in the car," April sighed, but agreed in the end. They can't delay things even more. They soon walked towards the parking lot. Daniel followed silently. When they arrived at the car, April's mobile phone rang, she quickly laid Mo Luangmin in the car next to Daniel before she took her phone.

"Hello, Sir?" April answered. Daniel listened at first but since April closed the door, he wasn't able to. He sighed frustratingly, his earlier suppressed tears finally started streaming down his face and he covered it with his palm, trying to prevent his loud bawls from escaping. His mind was filled with questions. Why was this happening? What did he do wrong? Before, he didn't like that Laotian assigned bodyguards to be with him because he felt like it was unnecessary. He thought no one would dare do bad things to him aside from Daniella. But now, he felt regretful.

"This is my fault," Daniel cried, rubbing his eyes. "This is my fault," he said again. If he had never removed his gaze from both Lan and Luangmin, none of this would have happened.

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