
The Obscene Offer

"I was waiting for my son to leave," Matilde says, stepping into the suite without waiting to be invited. "Because what I intend to tell you isn't for him to hear."

"I…uhh…" Claire stammers. There's nowhere she can hide this time. She cannot hide behind Gabriel or Miguel; she has to face her. And during these times, for some reason she remembers one little trick she learned when she was in college, being a competitive debater: whenever your nerves get to you, just smile your sweetest smile, and it will help calm you down.

So Claire, with everything she's got, smiles to Matilde Tan and offers her a seat. "Would you like some tea, coffee, Ma'am?"

Matilde stares at her from head to foot. "I see you are well-trained as a secretary," she says, not without condescension.

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