
256 Hands of Cain III

V.54 Hands of Cain III

Kro looks at everyone in the room including the pope, "in these fights our hands are tied if we try something that they don't like that cannon will blast all of us to oblivion. And unlike before we are powerless to stop it, especially inside the tower, as all the defensive formation of Babel is focus outside preventing the enemies from entering, inside the defensive formation is very limited, and what's more even the most powerful defensive formation of Babel is broken. What's more for the less powerful one. One hit from those cannons will put a hole in the sky along with all of them." Kro sighed no matter how good he is as a tactician when all their weakness is on their enemy hands there's pretty much nothing he can do.

Not when their enemy holding a gun on their head and can pull the trigger anytime.

Kro looks at the Pope and bows and turns around and walks back to his seat. Indicating there's nothing he can do to help.

And no one blames him. In fact, they all felt the powerlessness. They all felt what Kro is feeling and that is a foreign thing to them. They are so used to be on a superior side. Even when dealing with The Chosen the most powerful organization on Eden they still have a superior attitude but now suddenly someone just took that power of them they are like birds whose wings were suddenly plucked.

But despite the powerlessness, all of them going to fight to the last man if they have to.

"Have you already contacted the other organization about our predicament?" asked one of the cardinals

The one who answered is the pope, "we did as soon as our shield is broken it's about time to collect those favors they owed us"

"But none answered us back, meaning we are being isolated with some kind of formation or magic." Said the female Cardinal.

"But knowing you, you have found a way to inform them right? Mila"

"Mila just smiles, we being isolated is not surprising we will do the same thing if we are in their position, but isolation formation and magic have limitations like everything else."

Everyone nodded except for the pope who remains emotionless and just watching and listening to the conversations.

Mile continues, "so knowing those limitations the best and most efficient solutions are also the most basic ones. Just send someone to inform them. To honest the moment, I implemented these things I never once thought I would use them in my lifetime."

Mila whistles and a palm-size bird flew to her hand. Everyone is familiar with these birds after all these birds are the most common birds inside the sanctuary, the sanctuary can hold life and so to make it as natural as possible several animals are introduced to live inside the sanctuary.

"These birds are called Maya they are the most common birds on Eden they are practically everywhere except those extreme regions and that makes them a perfect species to be Messenger for no one will suspect them. And these birds are unmodified except for their intelligence they are all-natural no matter how much one scans it no one will find anything weird about them." Mila explains looking very proud.

In fact when she first proposes these ideas her superior at that time they all laugh and mocked her. Only when she has promoted to Cardinals she was free to implement these things without opposition.

And now to think these systems that she introduces that was mocked and laughed at was now the only lifeline everyone is betting at to save their lives.

She looks at the few cardinals the ones that used to be her superior the very ones that mocked and laugh at her, and all of them can't look at her eyes. Which makes her even prouder.

And how can they deliver a message? Despite them being all natural if started carrying things they can easily be identified and killed.

She nodded, she whistles again, and to everyone's surprise, the bird started talking.

"Hello everyone I'm a messenger from HOC Cardinal Division... "

The bird started saying things like a recorded message.

"I thought you said it wasn't modified?" asked one of the cardinal

"It wasn't, these birds as uncanny ability to mimic many sounds they hear, and by cutting their tongue in a certain way they are able to mimic voices, and each bird was made to memorized certain messages by playing it over and over to them during training." said Mila looking even prouder.

Many immediately started praising her, even the pope started nodding at her, who would have thought about these things with all the advancement in the technology in Eden.

And true enough even with the advanced space control of Specter despite having an active scanning technology killing animals is not something he would do, but he did scan every creature that leaves the area, and like predicted if it was modified Specter would have captured it or kill it. But these Maya was able to slip his radar and was able to leave without him knowing about it after all, like Mila has said there are thousands of them existing in the wild as they are a very common bird.

So without knowing several hundred of those messenger birds were able to leave and already on their way to the many top organizations in Eden.

"And how long before they can reach it?" Asked another.

"These birds are very fast, faster than normal birds." Said Mila they are also trained and fed well, so their constitution is several times better than the one that existed in the wild.

"The closest one from us is The Blades. And they owed us quite a bit. I say a few minutes would be enough for one of the Maya to reach them." Said Mila

"Those mercenaries? I suppose they can at least make a good cannon fodder," said Vicar

"As for the others, it will take some time so we better manage to hold on until they come," said Mila

what she didn't mention is that despite the optimistic attitude she shows, the chances that these birds would be able to fulfill their jobs is uncertain, after all this is the first time this system was implemented. So nobody knows if it will work or not. They all understood these things without asking Mila about them.

Their only hope is that their many secret weapons would be enough to buy them enough time for their so-called uncertain reinforcement to arrive and save them.

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