
chapter 6; chance meeting

Lily is still working daily at the hospital as a registered Paediatrician, though she's busy at work, she always finds time to meet with the wedding coordinator. while Lily is at work, Lilac feels so bored and so she decided to give Lily a call.

Lilac; hey!!! Lily S'up?

Lily; oh hi sis!! Lily answered. anythings up at your side???

Lilac; hmmm nothing much, that's why I called. are you busy tonight?

Lily; ahmmmm no, I'll be off work early. why?

Lilac; great!!! then. can we meet and eat out and do a little shopping tonight ???

I'm so so bored, I think I'm going crazy with all these creepy super quiet surroundings.

Lily. ; oh... I guess you're no longer useful to this kind of life. ok then, I leave work early and we dine out together and do some shopping. I think I need to buy some stuff for myself too.

Lily agrees to meet Lilac out at around six pm

Lilac; hmmm what do we have here? Lilac muses to herself while checking Lily's dresses for herself to wear.

at around five o'clock Lilac is ready to head out. dress in Lily's pink sleeveless pencil cut dress. she close the door of the apartment then turned to walk when the guy next door drinking with his bromate stop her

Hi miss beautiful, where are you going?

Lilac felt a little scared, but she can't just leave for fear that they might harass her.

lilac; oh... h... hi she replied, I'm going to meet my sister out and go shopping.

oh, nice!!! so you have a sister??? that's good, I bet she's as beautiful and sexy as you.

by the way. I'm Jordan, that guy wearing blue is Nate the one beside you is Drake and lastly, this guy beside me is Rusty. the guy called Jordan introduced all his friends

Lilac; hello nice meeting you all

Jordan; Nah... the honors is ours we never thought that we would chance meeting a beautiful lady like you.

Lilac; hmmm thanks, sorry but I have to go now, I don't wanna be late meeting my sister or else she'll make me pay for all the things she Buy's

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