
You Want Me

Katherine was more exhausted than he was. She had been waking up earlier than him to prepare breakfast and lunch boxes for both of them. She would then dress up and put on her makeup because the media would have a field day if he didn't look top-notch all the time. The time in the set was no better. 

She was working in a foreign location, the crew was noisy and she barely got time to finish before they were headed back to their house. There she would cook dinner for them and the bodyguards. There was also grocery shopping, making videos, and editing them. All in all, she was getting little to no sleep. 

Worst of all, she wouldn't let him cook, saying that he was tired from working all day. Like she had not been working all day as well. He had tried to talk her out of everything but she mumbled something about the stalker poisoning them. Cage had to retreat and think about what he should tell her to settle her about the whole fiasco. 

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