

After identifying his new Soul Class, it was time for Jake to delve into the implications that came with it. Several skills from his previous Rune Aetherist Soul Class had disappeared, and he needed to determine how Aetherdream Inceptor would affect his combat ability and personality.

"How do you feel?" Xi asked cautiously, her voice filled with concern.

Jake furrowed his brow, but after focusing on his true feelings and perceptions for a moment, he still felt the same. Even the Dream Aether he was supposed to be able to perceive as a Lucid Aetherdreamer was undetectable.

Unless Aether and Dream Aether were the same thing? He had once heard that the full name of Aether was actually Dream Aether. If that was the case, then his new and previous Soul Classes had more in common than one might initially think.

However, his affinity for Aether was not the only skill that had disappeared.

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